papa johns
英文:Papa Johns
还在上高中的时候,Papa John's(棒!约翰)的创始人约翰施耐德先生在印第安纳州杰弗逊维尔市当地一家比萨饼店打工时就有一个梦想:他要用做好的陷料做出最好的比萨,并将这些新鲜热腾的产品免费送到顾客的家中。
1984年,约翰从博尔州立大学取得商业学位后回到家乡杰佛森奈尔市,着手开始将梦想变为现实。他卖掉了自己的汽车,花了1600美金买了一套餐馆设备,并将他父亲开的酒店后面的杂物间改建为厨房,每天现做新鲜美味的比萨,热情款待客人,不久就口碑相传,顾客盈门。随着越来越多的顾客喜欢上他可口的比萨,全球第一家Papa John's(棒!约翰)比萨餐厅于1985年3月诞生了。
As a high school student working at a local pizza pub in Jeffersonville, Indiana, Papa John's founder John Schnatter realized that there was something missing from national pizza chains: a superior-quality traditional pizza delivered to the customer's door. His dream was to one day open a pizza restaurant that would fill that void.
In 1984, "Papa" John Schnatter knocked out a broom closet located in the back of his father's tavern (Mick's Lounge), sold his prized 1972 Z28 Camoro, purchased $1,600 worth of used restaurant equipment, and began selling his pizzas to the tavern's customers. The customers loved the pizza so much that John was able to expand by moving into adjoining space, eventually leading to the opening of the first Papa John's restaurant in 1985.
风靡全球的比萨巨头——棒!约翰诞生于1985年3月,短短的20多年时间,棒!约翰已发展成为全球著名比萨连锁经营企业之一,同时也是美国纳斯达克上市公司,并在全球20多个国家和地区拥有3000多家连锁餐厅。 用更好的馅料做出更好的比萨,一直是棒!约翰给顾客做出的承诺。自1985年在美国成立至今,棒!约翰在世界各地获得了无数奖项和荣誉,特别是已连续8年获得“美国顾客满意度调查(ACSI)第一名”。