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1、 谢学锦、徐邦梁,1953,铜矿指示矿物海州香薷,地质学报,32(4)360-368茧自缚

2、 谢学锦、邵跃,1965,地球化岩石测量的各种方法与解释推断方法,物化探研究报道,第5辑

3、 谢学锦,1977,当前区域化探若干问题的探讨,物探与化探,2,1-10

4、 谢学锦,1979,区域化探全国扫面各种方法的讨论,物探与化探,1,18-26

5、 谢学锦,1979,区域化探,地质出版社

6、 谢学锦、侯智慧,1987,金矿化探(一):金矿化探的现状与研究方向,长春地质学院院报,7(4)361-372

7、 谢学锦、侯智慧、刘树信,1987,团结沟地区砂金成因探讨,地质与勘探,第10期

8、 谢学锦,(1987),2001,三十而立--为庆祝物化探所成立30周年而作,面向21世纪的应用地球化学文集--谢学锦院士从事地球化学研究50周年,地质出版社

9、 谢学锦,1988,金矿化探(二):特殊问题,不同做法,第四届勘查地球化学学术讨论会论文选编,中国地质大学出版社,武汉

10、 谢学锦、王学求,1991,金矿化探:特殊问题,不同做法,第四届勘查地球化学学术讨论会论文选编,中国地质大学出版社,武汉

11、 谢学锦,1992,中国化探发展的新战略,物探与化探,16(2)

12、 谢学锦,1992,中国化探走向2000年,物探与化探,16(2)81-86

13、 谢学锦,1992,勘查地球化学的过去、现在和未来,物探与化探--10周年纪念专刊,20-31

14、 谢学锦、王学求、沈瑞平,1992,地球化学样品中金颗粒分布与分析误差关系的初步研究,地质地球化学,第5期

15、 谢学锦、王学求,1992,金矿化探(三):金的颗粒分布与取子样误差关系的研究,物探与化探,16(6)

16、 谢学锦、王学求,1994,金矿化探(四);金矿化探:特殊问题、不同做法,第四届勘查地球化学学术讨论会论文选编

17、 王学求、谢学锦、卢荫庥,1995,地气动态提取技术的研制及在寻找隐伏矿上的初步试验,物探与化探,19(3)

18、 谢学锦,1995,新疆找矿的战略问题,《新疆北部地区地球化学图集》序言

19、 谢学锦,1995,用新观念与新技术寻找巨型矿床,科学中国人,第5期

20、 王学求、谢学锦,1996,金矿化探(五):非传统金矿化探的理论与方法技术研究,地质学报,70(1)84-95

21、 谢学锦,1996,勘查地球化学的现状与未来展望,地质论评,42(4)346-355

22、 谢学锦,1997,论矿产勘查史--经验找矿、科学勘查与信息勘查,地学研究,第29-30号,254-266

23、 谢学锦,1997,论矿产勘查的新战略,物探与化探,21(6)402-410

24、 谢学锦,(1997),2001,勘查地球化学基础研究基本情况,面向21世纪的应用地球化学文集--谢学锦院士从事地球化学研究50周年,地质出版社

25、 谢学锦,(1998),2001,我国基础地球化学调查现状与发展,面向21世纪的应用地球文集--谢学锦院士从事地球化学研究50周年,地质出版社

26、 谢学锦,1998,战术性与战略性的深穿地球化学方法,地学前缘,5(2),171-183

27、 谢学锦,1998,蛛丝马迹探宝藏--勘查地球化学发展的里程碑,陈建礼主编《科学的丰碑--20世纪重大科技成就纵览》、山东科学技术出版社,491-495

28、 谢学锦、邵跃、王学求主编,1999,走向21世纪矿产勘查地球化学。地质出版社

29、 王学求、谢学锦,2000,金的勘查地球化学。山东科学技术出版社

30、 谢学锦,2001,进入21世纪的勘查地球化学, 中国地质,28(4)11-18

31、 谢学锦,2001,化学定时炸弹与可持续发展,面向21世纪的应用地球化学文集--谢学锦院士从事地球化学研究50周年,地质出版社



1、 Xie Xuejing, Sun Huanzhen, Li Shanfang, 1981. Geochemical Exploration in China. J.Geochem, Explor., 15:489-506.

2、 Xie Xuejing (Editor):1981… Geochemical Exploration in China. Special issue, J. Geochem. Explor 15, Elsevier.

3、 Xie Xuejing and Zheng Kangle, 1983. Recent Advance in Geochemical Exploration in China. J.Geochem.Explor.,23:281-291.

4、 Yu Bochang and Xie Xuejing, 1984. Fuzzy Cluster Analysis in Geochemical Exploration. J. Geochem. Explor ., 23:281-291.

5、 Xiu Xuejing, Yan Mingcai, Li Liangzhong and Shen Huijun, 1985. Usable Values for Chinese Standard Reference Samples of Stream Sediments, Soils and Rocks: GSD9-12,GSS1-8 and GSR1-6. Geostandard Newsletter,V.IX,No.2,277-280.

6、 Xie Xuejing, Yan Mingcai, Li Liangzhong and Shen Huijun,1985.Usable Values for Chinese Standard Reference Samples of Stream Sediments, soils and Rocks: GSD9-12,GSS1-8 and GSR1-6,Geostandard Newsletter ,V.IX,No.2,277-280.

7、 Xie Xuejing, Wang Jiping and Zhu Baoguo,1987. Commparison of Geochmical Maps Generated by Laboratories Using Different Analytical Methods. J. Geochem. Explor., 29:440.

8、 Xie Xuejing, Sun Huanzhen and Ren Tianxiang, 1989. Regional Geochemistry-National Reconnaissance Project in China.

9、 Xie Xuejing and Yang Bingzhong, 1989. Application of Multiparametric Geochemical Methods in the Search for Oil in the Qinggang Region near Daqing Oil Field. J. Geochem. Explor., 33:202-213.

10、 Xie Xuejing, Yan Mingcai, Wang Chunshu, Li Liangzhong and Shen Huijun, 1989. Geochemical Standard Reference Sample GSD9-12, GSS1-8 and GSR1-6, Geostandard Newsletter, V.XIII, No.1,83-179

11、 Xie Xuejing, Shen Ruiping and Wang Xueqiu,1990. Particle size distribution of gold in geochemical samples. Explore, No.68.

12、 Xie Xuejing, 1990.Some Problems, Strategical and Tactical in International Geochemical Mapping. J. Geochem. Explor , 39:15-33.

13、 Xie Xuejing and Wang Xueqiu, 1990.Geochemical Exploration for Gold: A New Approach to an old Problem. J. Geochem,Explor. 40:25-48.

14、 Xie Xuejing and Ren Tianxiang, 1991.A Decade of Regional Geochemistry in China-the National Reconnaissance Project. Trans.IMM, 100:B57-B65.

15、 Xie Xuejing , 1991.Local and Regional Surface Geochemical Exploration for Oil and Gas .J.Geochem.Explor.,42:25-42.

16、 Xie Xuejing and Ren Tianxiang, 1993. National Geochemical Mapping and Environmental Geochemistry-progress in China. J.Geochem.Explor,49:15-34.

17、 Xie Xuejing and Yin Binchuan, 1993. Geochemical Patterns from Local to Global . J. Geochem.Explor.,47:109-129.

18、 Xie Xuejing, 1995. The Surficial Geochemical Expressions of Giant Ore deposits. In: C. J. Hodgson and A.H. Clark(Ed) giant ore Deposits II. 479-492. Queens University, Kingston.

19、 Xie Xuejing, 1995. Analytical Requirements in International Geochemical Mapping. Analyst, 120:1497-1504.

20、 Wang Xueqiu, Xie Xuejing and Ye Shengyong, 1995. Concepts for Geochemical Gold Exploration Based on the Abundance and Distribution of Ultrafine Gold. J. Geochem. Explor ., 55:93-101.

21、 Maurice, Y.T. and Xie Xuejing (Editors), 1995. Geochemical Exploration 1993. Special issue, J. Geochem. Explor., 55,Elsevier.

22、 Wang Xueqiu, Cheng Zhizhiong, Lu Yinxiu, Xu Li and Xie Xuejing, 1996. Nanoscale Metals in Earthgas and Mobile forms of Metals in Overburden in Wide-spaced Regional Exploration for Gaint Deposits in Overurden Terrain. J. Geochem.Explor.,58:63-72.

23、 Wang Xueqiu and Xie Xuejing, 1997. Unconventional Geochemical Exploration for Gold Deposits . Acta Geologica Sinica,9(3),317-329.

24、 Wang Xueqiu and Xie Xuejing, 1996. Use of NAMEG and MOMEO methods in the search for concealed deposits. In:SME'96,Phoenix, America.

25、 Wang Xueqiu, Liu Dawen, Cheng Zhizhong and Xie Xuejing,1997. Wide-sepaced geochemical mapping for gaint ore deposits in concealed terrains. In:Proc.30th Int'I Geol .Congr., Vol. 19, 127-140.

26、 Xie Xuejing and Cheng Hangxin, 1997. The Suitability of Floodplain Sediment as Global Sampling Medium: Evidence from China.J. Geochem. Explor., 58:51-62.

27、 Cheng Hangxin , Shen Xiachu, Yan Guangsheng , Gu Tiexin, lai Zhinmin and Xie Xuejing,1997. Wide-spaced Floodplain Sediment Sampling Covering the whole of China: Pilot Survey for International Geochemical Mapping. In:Xie Xuejing(Ed) Proceedings of the 30th International Geologic Congress:19,Geochemistry, 89-110.

28、 Xie Xuejing, Mu Xuzhan and Ren Tianxiang, 1997. Geochemical Mapping in China. J. Geochem, Explor., 60(1),99-113.

29、 Xie Xuejing(Ed),1997, Geochemistry. Proceedings of the 30th Internaional Geologic Congress, VSP, Utrecht, the Netherlands.

30、 Xie Xuejing , Wang Xueqiu, Xu Li, A.A. krememtsky and V.K.Kheffets, 1999. Orientation Study of Strategic Deep-Penetration Geochemical Methods in Central Kyzylkum Desert Terrain, Uzbekistan. J. Geochem. Explor., 66:135-143.

31、 Wang Xueqiu, Xie Xuejing, Cheng Zhizhong and Liu Dawen, 1999. Delineation of Regional Geochemical Anomalies Penetrating through Thick Cover in Concealed Terrain-A Case History from the Olympic Dam Deposit, Australia. J. Geochem. Explor., 66:85-98.

32、 Xie Xuejing, 1999. Empirical Prospecting, Scientific Exploration and Information Exploration. J. Geochem. Explor,67:97-108.

33、 Xie Xuejing , Cheng Hangxin, 2001. Global geochemical mapping and its implementation in the Asia-pacific region. Applied Geochemistry.16.,1309-1321.

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