
Dustin carter

王朝百科·作者佚名  2010-04-08  
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Dustin carter(达斯汀.卡特)

Dustin carter

Dustin Carter是一位残疾人,一个没有双手和双腿的高中生,他居然还是自由式摔交手,他的精神和意志感动了千千万万的人,他不因为自己是残疾人而放弃自己热爱的自由式摔交,他这种永不放弃、不被命运所打倒的精神震惊了所有人,他创造了一个伟大奇迹!

因为没有手脚,所以Dustin Carter 在成长过程中,经历过许多困难,但是他是一个意志相当坚强的孩子,从不被困难击倒。为了行动方便,医院帮他打造了电子手臂、和机械义肢,由于还在成长,每隔一段时间就必须换新。 初中时他爱上了摔交,他问校长可否加入摔交校队。校长没有拒绝,当时的教练还鼓励他参加。就这样,他成了学校的摔交选手。从2007年到现在,他的战绩是 36 胜 1 负,成了OHIO中南区高中组的冠军!身体正常的选手都难以达成的目标,但是,一个没有手脚的 Dustin Carter 却做到了!

生活值得我们去珍惜、未来值得我们去奋斗!请记住这个名字,犹豫的时候,请想起他! 沮丧的时候,请想起他! 退缩的时候,请想起他! 抱怨上天对你不公平的时候,请想起他!!!




U're ready to get going?

functional fitness

hi my name is S.Q, director of S functional fitness. u are about to see

Dustin carter

a kid that inspired me so much, that has dug deep into my heart,and that has lit this place on fire,OK? You are gonna to see the ...,that he goes through .this is been the best he can be,. This is D.C, he is the 103

pound wrestler at ... High School. Check this out!

Hi, my name is Dustin Carter, I go to ... High School. I've wrestled at 112 (during) my freshman and sophormore year and my junior year 103. i'am a... . Next year my main goal is to to go to state on air. Scopp up there is the other guy, put us on Scopp.

But when i go to college maybe I hopefully wrestled at a smaller college division, division 3 or division 2, you know. And i wanna be a nutritionist, wanna do some inspirational speaking,... it's what i pretty much wanna do with my life--be rich, like anybody else's dream, you know,

eat healthy, have kids, get a wife, anybody else's dream like a normal person.

(what inspirational words are there you can say to somebody else that might be down in life?)

could be worse, you could be paralyzed, you could be blind,

lost your leg and bound in the bed for the rest of your life and you cannot move , you know all i say is if you are hurt, things in this way could be worse, that's my opinion on it. I find the hardest thing in life to prove to everybody else that i am just like you and,they look at me and say hey this kid has lost his legs and let's take it easy on him. If you think that is a man, you are in big trouble.

My thoughts on CFF, and Scopp and Goodpaster is ah, it's pretty intensive, you know, he works pretty hard you know,...like a tiger is there, push you a little bit harder when you put on that big face like:" come on Dustin, work a little big harder!" I cannot get it going, it's going to be very hard. My thought on it is just stay challenging and things cannot be just going to it. I wanna make it.

( what do you think of today's work out?)

Intensive! It's harder and harder every time.it's the point that i get you know, push yourself harder and harder

(you think you are making a big difference in wrestiling in this programme?)


See you in the next wresting.

(the passion that I have, the train that Dustin has truly been in, a great opportunity for me as a professional, he trallves an hour and fifteen minutes, he trains with me every saturday. He gives me 110 percent and puts his heart and soul into it. The harder i work, the more i realize that i am not justing changing this kid's body, i'am changing the spirit. he wanna set up a time,he wanna wrap up a time.

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