
国立首尔(汉城)产业大学(국립서울산업대학교 )成立于1910年,是一所大型国立综合大学,学校位于首尔特别市芦原区,现任校长为노준형(前韩国情报通信部部长)。

“SNUT Power 2015,” the blueprint for the SNUT to become the best university with global competitiveness and specialized industry-academic alliance by building a global network with 35 universities in 15 countries. The SNUT(SEOUL TECH) is playing a leading role in the operation of innovative education programs. The UNN program, which the SNUToperates in partnership with Northumbria University in Britain, is Korea’s first dual-degree certification program. This program allows students to receive two degrees simultaneously from the SNUT and Northumbria University. The program, in which all the major courses are taught in English, is approved by Britain’s Quality Assurance Agency (QAA) for higher education as an excellent educational program. Also, the NIT program, in which some 11 universities in Seoul participate, is maximizing students’ competence through field-oriented education taught by experts. In addition, the Techno-preneur program, which started in 2007, focuses on the cultivation of engineers with entrepreneurial skills.

As a global university that reaches out to the world and the university that gives its top priority to high-quality education, the SNUT(SEOUL TECH) will be the best university to help you to realize a bright future. It will guide you to grow as intellectuals, professionals, performing individuals, and global elites.