
约翰·伊夫林(John Evelyn 1620~1706) 英国作家,英国皇家学会的创始人之一,曾撰写过有关美术、林学、宗教等著作三十余部。
伊夫林是塞缪尔·佩皮斯的朋友,他花了大量时间研究文学、艺术、政治(他目睹了查尔斯一世和奥利弗克伦威尔的倾覆,伦敦大瘟疫,1666年的大火灾) 。伊夫林和佩皮斯有许多此类信件交流。
生平伊夫林出生在一个富裕的自火药生产商之家,在苏塞克斯刘易斯镇长大。他在牛津大学的巴利奥尔学院学习。在伦敦期间,他目睹了许多重大的事件,如:托马斯温特沃斯,厄尔的斯特拉福德,加入了保皇党军队。后来,他去了国外,以避免进一步卷入英国内战。他前往意大利,参加帕多瓦的解剖讲座,1646年,伊夫林返回伦敦。 1644年,伊夫林访问罗马的尊者英文书院,在那里受到天主教神父的熏陶。
1647年,她和玛丽·布朗在1652年结婚,伊夫林和他的妻子定居在德普特福特(现伦敦东南部) 。他们的房子 ,购买自的伊夫林的岳父理查德·布朗,在1653年,伊夫林将其修建为一座花园。在1671年,他遇到的主材工人(平房法院Sayes房地产商) ,Grinling向他介绍了雷恩爵士。这是伊夫林职业生涯从此腾飞。1660年,他成立了英国皇家学会。一年后,他写出了Fumifugium ,首次在书中提出伦敦的空气污染问题。
伊夫林死于1706年 ,伦敦。他的妻子玛丽与3年后去世。两者都埋在圣约翰教堂。 1992年,其头骨被偷走的身份不明者盗走。至今未被追回。
Here lies the Body of JOHN EVELYN Esq of this place, second son of RICHARD EVELYN Esq who having served the Publick in several employments of which that Commissioner of the Privy Seal in the reign of King James the 2nd was most Honourable: and perpetuated his fame by far more lasting Monuments than those of Stone, or Brass: his Learned and useful works, fell asleep the 27th day of February 1705/6 being the 86th Year of his age in full hope of a glorious resurrection thro faith in Jesus Christ. Living in an age of extraordinary events, and revolutions he learnt (as himself asserted) this truth which pursuant to his intention is here declared. That all is vanity which is not honest and that there's no solid Wisdom but in real piety. Of five Sons and three Daughters borne to him from his most vertuous and excellent Wife MARY sole daughter, and heiress of Sir RICHARD BROWNE of Sayes Court near Deptford in Kent onely one Daughter SUSANNA married to WILLIAM DRAPER Esq of Adscomb in this County survived him the two others dying in the flower of their age, and all the sons very young except one nam'd John who deceased 24 March 1698/9 in the 45th year of his age, leaving one son JOHN and one daughter ELIZABETH.
遗产在1977年和1978年在8个拍卖行拍卖,大英图书馆拥有大量Evelyn的档案和个人文件,包括他的手稿日记。 [ 3 ]维多利亚和阿尔伯特博物馆在拥有的伊夫林的日记手稿。