

王朝百科·作者佚名  2010-05-22  
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主要作品及参展、获奖1984年 创作《曹雪芹纪念像》入选首届全国城市雕塑设计方案展。

1984年 创作《太行大嫂》入选第六届全国美展,获河北美术作品展一等奖,河北省文化厅记二等功。

1987年 参加《河北画院"马拉松"美术作品展》展出雕塑、绘画30余件。

1990年 创作《初恋》入选首届河北省雕塑作品展获二等奖。

1993年 创作《奥林匹克,一个人类美丽梦想-记现代奥运之父顾拜旦》入选第三届全国体育美展,被国际奥委会永久收藏。

1993年 荣获河北省政府"第五届文艺振兴奖",并记三等功。

1994年 创作《抗日战争时期的聂荣臻》荣获第八届全国美展优秀作品奖,并获河北省美术作品展特等奖。

1997年 创作《世纪老人-冰心》入选中国当代雕塑艺术展。

1997年 创作《和平使者》入选第三届全国体育美术作品展,并被国际奥委会永久收藏。

1998年 荣获首届河北省"德艺双馨会员"荣誉称号。

1998年 参加中央美院雕塑系"抗战群雕"之一《狂轰烂炸》的创作。

1998年 创作七件作品,参加由"中国雕塑学会"主办的"《平台-98青年雕塑家作品展》" 。

1998年 《C小姐新花色帽子》被中国美术馆收藏。

1999年 创作《爱之恒》入选第九届全国美术作品展, 创作三件作品参加"漂移的平台-"99青年雕塑家作品展"。

2000年 为中国军事博物馆创作(合作)大型军史浮雕《南昌起义》。

2000年 作品《梦游者》参加上海美术馆"中国当代雕塑邀请展"。

2001年 创作《纪念顾拜旦》、参加《新北京 、新奥运-体育雕塑展》并获评委会一等奖。

2001年 策划主持《时空平台2001雕塑作品展》,参展作品《无色的记忆(一)》 、《无色的记忆(二)》。

2002年 为山东利津县创作完成《李竹如烈士》纪念像,为中国国史馆创作(合作)浮雕《锦绣河山》 。

2002年 为河北省石家庄市"人民广场"创作人物组雕十二件 ,为北京中山堂创作(合作)《孙中山》纪念像。

2003年 创作《都市言情》参加河南焦作雕塑艺术展 创作《口红》入选 2003中国福州•国际城市雕塑艺术展》。

2003年 作品《无色的记忆(二)》被"北京国际雕塑公园"收藏 ,为中国军事博物馆创作(合作)大型浮雕《延安颂》。

2003年 为中国军事博物馆创作(合作)雕塑《解放全中国》。

2003年 作品《詹姆斯•乔伊斯》、《千分之一》、《c小姐新花色帽子》入选"今日中国美术大展"。


2004年 为江西南昌市"八一广场"创作大型组雕之一《八一起义》。

2005年 创作完成陕北老红军《郭洪涛》像 ,为中国电影博物馆创作《任景丰》像。

2005年 为老挝国家创作(合作)的《凯山丰威汉》纪念像。

2005年 为斯里兰卡国家创作(合作)完成《周恩来》、《邓小平》、《班达拉奈克夫人》纪念像。

2005年 创作完成的《曹禺》像。参加《平台-2005试验肖像雕塑展》。

2005年 作品《都市言情》入选《雕塑百年-上海城市雕塑艺术中心开馆暨雕塑展》入选"黄天厚土-当代中国雕塑展",获纪念奖。

主要著述2002-2004年 主编中国雕塑学会会刊《雕塑家通讯》

2003年 主编出版《认识雕塑》(人民美术出版社出版发行)

2004年 主编出版普通高中课程标准试验教科书-《雕塑》(湖南美术出版社出版发行)

英文简介Wang Shaojun(1959—)

Born in Tianjin. Deputy Director and professor of the Department of Sculpture of Central Academy of Fine Arts, deputy secretary general of China Sculpture Society, editor-in-chief of Sculpture News of China Sculpture Society. Graduated from the Department of Sculpture of Central Academy of Fine Arts in 1982 and received a Bachelor’s Degree. In 1982, he acted as professional sculptor of Hebei Painting Academy. His main works, exhibitions and awards are as follows: his Portrait of Cao Xueqin was selected to be exhibited in the “1st National City Sculpture Design Exhibition”. His Taihang Sister was selected to be exhibited in the “6th National Art Exhibition” and won the “First Award” of “Hebei Works of Art Exhibition” and he was awarded “Second Class Merit” by the Department of Culture of Hebei Province. In 1987, he participated in the “Hebei Painting Academy ‘Marathon’ Works of Art Exhibition” with more than 30 of his sculptures and paintings. In 1990, his First Love was selected to be exhibited in the “1st Hebei Sculpture Exhibition” and won the “Second Class Award”. In 1993, his Olympics, a Beautiful Dream of the Human Race- the Father of Modern Olympics, Coubertin was selected to be exhibited in the “3rd National Sports Art Exhibition” and was collected by the International Olympic Committee. In 1994, his Nie Rongzhen during the Period of Anti-Japan War won the “Excellent Work” award of the “8th National Art Exhibition” and the “Special Grade Award” of “Hebei Works of Art Exhibition”. In 1997, his the Elderly of the Century-Bingxin was selected to be exhibited in the “China Contemporary Art Exhibition”. His Envoy of Peace was selected to be exhibited in the “3rd National Sports Art Exhibition” and collected permanently by the International Olympic Committee. In 1998, he co-created the Bombardment, first of the “Group Sculpture of Anti-Japan War” of the Department of Sculpture of Central Academy of Fine Arts. Seven of his works of art were selected to be exhibited in the “Platform-1998 Young Sculptors Works Exhibition”. Miss C’s Hat with New Patterns, one of the seven, was collected by the National Art Museum of China. In 1999, his Eternality of Love was selected to be exhibited in the “9th National Art Exhibition”. Three of his works of art were exhibited in the “Floating Platform-1999 Young Sculptors Works Exhibition”. In 2000, he co-created Nanchang Revolt, a relief sculpture of military history, for China Military Museum. His Dream walker were exhibited the “China Contemporary Sculpture Invitation Exhibition” (Shanghai Gallery). In 2001, his Commemorating Coubertin was exhibited in the “New Beijing, Great Olympics-Sports Sculpture Exhibition” and won the “First Award” of the Reviewing Committee. He planned and presided over the “Platform of Time and Space-2001 Sculpture Exhibition”, where his Colorless Memory 1 and Colorless Memory 2 were exhibited. In 2002, he co-created Marvelous Rivers and Mountains, a relief sculpture, for the National Museum of Chinese History.

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