flight service station
Air traffic facilities which provide pilot briefing, en route communications and VFR search and rescue
services, assist lost aircraft and aircraft in emergency situations, relay ATC clearances, originate Notices to
Airmen, broadcast aviation weather and NAS information, receive and process IFR flight plans, and monitor NAVAIDs.
In addition, at selected locations, FSSs provide En Route Flight Advisory Service (Flight Watch), take weather
observations, issue airport advisories, and advise Customs and Immigration of transborder flights.空中交通设施,提供
飞行员通报,途中通信和VFR搜索和救援服务,协助了飞机和飞机在紧急情况下,继电器空管手续,源于通知飞行员,广播和NAS航空气象信息,接收和处理飞行的飞行计划,和监测NAVAIDs 。此外,在选定的位置,炉膛安全监控系统提供航路飞行咨询服务(飞行观赏) ,考虑天气观测,机场咨询问题,并建议海关和移民局的跨国飞行。