1993年,她作为宁夏艺术代表团成员赴日本进行文化交流。1994年中央电视台和银川电视台联合录制的电视片《黄河一日·山里人家》对她的剪纸艺术做了专题介绍。1995年,宁夏电视台拍摄的专题片在第四次世妇会播放期间,因剪纸技巧精湛获“中华巧女奖”。1997年,在宁夏展览馆举办了“伏兆娥剪纸展”同年曾邀为电影《这女人这辈子》、《黄河绝恋》、电视剧《大漠豪情》、《边城落日》、《生死腾格里》、电视片《妈妈的绿窗花》等提供所有的剪纸艺术,并获得两次美工设计奖项。她的三百余副作品在《人民日报》、《民族画报》、《中国青年报》、《连环画报》、《中国妇女报》、《宁夏画报》、《宁夏日报》、《香港汇报》等各省市三十多家媒体报刊上报道。她的剪纸资料被收入了东方网、新华网、人民网等。她的剪纸作品《十二生肖》、《龙年飞人》等二十多副作品被四川博物馆和全国各地的剪纸博物馆收藏。她的著作有《伏兆娥剪纸集》和《怎样学剪纸》、《西游记》、《水浒传》、《红楼梦》、《三国》四大名著系列人物被1999年中国民间剪纸博览会选中两部印制为火花集。《永久和平》被原中国剪纸研究会印制贺年卡发往世界各地,《虎年和平》获2000年首届全国剪纸世纪金奖。《老鼠偷油》获第二届中国国际民间艺术博览会“山花奖”,民间工艺银奖,《民间剪纸艺术》获宁夏第一届旅游商品设计大赛二等奖。《系列剪纸》获宁夏第六次文学艺术作品银奖。在中国革命博物馆举办的“华夏风韵剪纸艺术展”中获金奖。2003年《福、禄、寿、禧》、《三阳开泰》在“中国西部剪纸大赛”中获金奖。2004年在文化保护传承和创作方面成绩卓著,被联合国教科文组织授予“中国民间工艺美术家”称号。同时被评为“宁夏德艺双馨先进工作者”。火花系列《西游记》获第六届中国民间文艺“山花奖”,民间工艺铜奖。2005年《水浒108将》获宁夏第七次文学艺术作品铜奖。纪念安徒生诞辰二百年中国童话剪纸艺术大赛铜奖。2006年《永久和平》和《蒙牛情》获第二届国际剪纸艺术界“最佳作品”奖。同年被国际中华人才专家协会授予“中华当代文化名人”称号。被国内外文化艺术界人士誉为“西北第一剪”。伏兆娥女士的小传被收录入《中国民间名人录》和《中华名人大辞典》。艺绩屡见于国内外媒体。Brief Introduction To
Paper-cut Artistist Fu Zhao-e
Fu Zhao-e was born in Xingren Village in haiyuan County,Ningxia in 1960.In 1986 she finished her course at the China Paper-cur Correspondence Center and was sent to Ningbo College of Arts and Crafts by China Paper-cut Pesearch Association.She studied there for one year.Fu is a member of China Paper-cut Pesearch Association, Vice-president of Ningxia Paper-cut Association,a director of Ningxia Follk Artist Association and a member of Ningxia Artist Association.
Fu Zhao-e became greatly interested in paper-cut when she was a child.In her protacted life and art practice she degood new life,all with her scissors.She adds a bright colour to the folk art.As a member of Ningxia Artist delegation she visited Japan for cultural exchange in 1992.In 1994 a TV program“A day one the Yellow River.A fammily in mountains”was made,in which her paper-cut was specially interoduced. In 1995 she was rewarded with the title“clever Chinese woman”during the 4th World Women's Conhress for her wonderful paper-cut art. In 1997“Fu Zhao-e Paper-cut Exhibition” was held in Ningxia Exhibition center.She was invited to design the paper-cut for films and TV plays,such as“The woman and her life”,“Love on Yellow River”,“Heroes in desert,”“Life and death in Tenggar Desert”“Mothe's green paper-cuts for window”ect.More than 200 of her paper-cuts have been printed in Ningxia Pictorial,National pictorial,China Youth Daily,ChianWomen'sDaily,Picture-story Journal,ect.Her art works“12 animals as the symbol of years”is collected by Sichuan Museum.Her characters of“pilgrimage to the west”was elected by the National Folk Paper-cut Fair to print stamps in 1999,“Everlasting Peace”was printed on new year post-card by China paper-cut Rsesarch Association,“Peace in Tiger's Year” won the lst prize in the Lst National Paper-cut Century Review Exhibition in 2000.In August 2001 her works“A mouth stealing oil”won the silver reward in the 2nd China International Folk Paper-cut Festival,the Lst prize of Saisgang Farmer's Emotion,the Lst prize of National Paper-cut Review Exhibition.