

王朝百科·作者佚名  2010-06-26  
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【基本信息】性 别 女 出生年月 1962年12月

职 称 学 院 生命科学学院

专 业 生命科学学院



1979.09—1983.07: 东北师范大学化学系, 学士学位

1983.09—1986.07: 东北师范大学生物系, 生物化学专业,硕士学位

1990.12—1995.12: 英国兰卡斯特大学生物系,生物化学专业,博士学位








1. Tai, G.(台桂花), Lu, L., Johannes, L. & Hong, W. (2005): Funtional Analysis of Arl1 and Golgin-97 in endosome-to TGN transport using recombinant Shiga toxin B fragment. Method in Enzymology, in press. (SCI: 2)

2. Lu, L., Tai, G.(台桂花), & Hong, W. (2005): Interactin of Arl1 GTPase with the GR1P domain of Golgin-245 as assessed by GST (Glutathione-S-transferase) pull-down experiments. Methhod in Enzymology, in press. (SCI: 2)

3. Wang, Y., Tai, G.(台桂花), Hong, W. & Tang, B. L. (2005): Syntaxin 10 functions distinctly from syntaxins 6 and 16 in Trans-Golgi network. Molecular Membrane Biology,in press. (SCI: 6)

4. Tai, G.(台桂花), Lu, L., Wang, T., Tang, B. L., Johannes, L. & Hong, W.(2004): Participatin of the Syntaxin 5/YKt6/GS28/GS15 SNARE Complex in Transport from the Early/Recycling Endosome to the Trans-Golgi Network. Molecular Biology of the Cell. 15, 4011-4022. (SCI: 8)

5. Lu, L., Tai, G.(台桂花,并列第一作者) & Hong,W. (2004): Autoantigen Golgin-97, an Effector of Arl1 GTPase, Participates in Traffic from the Endosome to the Trans-Golgi Network. Molecular Biology of the Cell. 15, 4426-4443. (SCI: 8)

6. Wei, M., Tai, G.(台桂花), Gao, Y., Li, N., Huang, B., Zhou, Y., Hao, S. & X. Zeng (2004): Modified Heparin Inhibits P-selectin-mediated Cell Adhesion of Human Colon Carcinoma Cells to Immobilized Platelets under Dynamic Flow Conditions, Journal of Biological Chemistry. 279, 29202-29210. (SCI: 7)

7. Movafeghi, A., Happel, N., Pimpl, P., Tai, G.(台桂花), & Robinson, D. G. (1999): Arabidopsis Sec21p and Sec23p homologs. Probable coat proteins of plant COP-coated vesicles. Plant Physiol. 119, 1437-1445. (SCI: 3)

8. Huckerby, T. N., Tai, G.(台桂花), & Nieduszynski, I. A.(1998): Oligosaccharides derived by endo-beta-galactosidase digestion of bovine corneal keratan sulphate -characterisation of tetrasaccharides with incomplete sulphation and containing unsulphated N-acetylglucosamine residues. Eur. J. Biochem. 253, 499-506. (SCI: 4)

9. Tai, G.(台桂花), Nieduszynski, I. A., Fullwood, N. J: (1997): Human corneal keratan sulphates. J. Biol. Chem. 272, 28227-28231. (SCI: 7)

10. Tai, G.(台桂花), Huckerby, T. N. & Nieduszynski, I. A. (1996): Multiple non-reducing chain termini isolated from bovine corneal keratan sulphates. J. Biol. Chem. 271, 23535-23546. (SCI: 7)

11. Tai, G.(台桂花)(1995): Structural studies of corneal keratan sulphates. PhD thesis filed in British Library.

12. Tai, G.(台桂花), Huckerby, T. N. & Nieduszynski, I. A. (1994): 600MHz 1H-NMR study of a fucose-containing heptasaccharide derived from a keratanase digestion of bovine articular cartilage keratan sulphate. Carbohydr. Res. 255, 303-309. (SCI: 3)

13. Zhou, Y., Tai, G.(台桂花), & Zhang, Y. (1993): Studies on Water-Soluble Polysaccharides Isolated from the Stem of Panax Ginseng C. A. Mey II. Chin. J. Biochem. Biophys., 25, 115-120.

14. Huckerby, T. N., Dickenson, J. M., Tai, G.(台桂花), Lauder, R. M., Brown, G. M., & Nieduszynski, I. A. (1993): 13C-NMR spectroscopy of keratan sulphates. Magnetic Reson. Chem. 30, 134-141. (SCI: 2)

15. Tai, G.(台桂花), Huckerby, T. N. & Nieduszynski, I. A. (1993): Spectroscopic studies of fucose-containing oligosaccharides derived from keratanase digestion of articular cartilage keratan sulphates - influence of fucose residues on keratanase cleavage. Biochem. J. 291, 889-894. (SCI: 4)

16. Tai, G.(台桂花), Morris, H. G., Brown, G. M., Huckerby, T. N. & Nieduszynski, I. A. (1992): A sub-population of keratan sulphates derived from bovine articular cartilage is capped with ?(2-6)-linked N-acetylneuraminic acid residues. Biochem. J. 281, 231-234. (SCI: 4)

17. Tai, G.(台桂花), Brown, G. M., Morris, H. G., Huckerby, T. N. & Nieduszynski, I. A. (1991): Fucose content of keratan sulphates from bovine articular cartilage. Biochem. J. 273, 307-310. (SCI: 4)

18. Nieduszynski, I. A., Huckerby, T. N., Dickenson, J. M., Tai, G.(台桂花), & Bayliss, M. T. (1990): Structural aspects of skeletal keratan sulphates. Biochem. Soc. Trans. 18, 792-793. (SCI: 3)

19. Nieduszynski, I. A., Huckerby, T. N., Tai, G.(台桂花), Morris, H. G. & Eady, S. (1990): There are two major types of skeletal keratan sulphates. Biochem. J. 271, 243-245. (SCI: 4)

20. Tai, G.(台桂花), Zhang, Y. S. & Lang, Z. Y. (1988): Studies on water soluble polysaccharides isolated from the stem of Panax Ginseng C. A. Mey (I). Chin. J. Biochem. Biophys. 21, 105-115.

21. 周义发,台桂花,张翼伸,(1992): 人参(Panax Ginseng C.A.Mey)茎中水溶性多糖的研究 (III),生物化学与生物物理学报, 24,22-27。

22. 台桂花,唐万均,周义发, (1990): 人参(Panax Ginseng C.A.Mey)茎中酸性多糖的研究,松辽学刊,3, 20-23。

23. 台桂花,张翼伸,梁忠岩 (1987): 人参(Panax Ginseng C.A.Mey)茎中水溶性多糖的研究 (II),东北师范大学学报(自然科学版),3, 97-101。

24. 台桂花,张翼伸,梁忠岩 (1987): 人参(Panax Ginseng C.A.Mey)茎中水溶性多糖的研究 (I),生物化学与生物物理学报,20, 145-149。

25. 台桂花 (1986): 人参(Panax Ginseng C.A.Mey)茎多糖的研究,东北师范大学硕士论文。

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