

王朝百科·作者佚名  2010-08-15  
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位置:卢旺达,布隆迪,东北刚果民主共和国(前扎伊尔)POPULATION:Approximately 13 million人口:约13000000

LANGUAGE:Kinyarwanda; Kirundi; French, English语言:基尼亚卢旺达语,基隆迪语,法语,英语

宗教:信仰与传统相结合的基督教1 • INTRODUCTION 1•简介 The Tutsi are a people who live in Rwanda, Burundi, and the northeastern part of the Democratic Republic of Congo.图西族是一个居住在卢旺达,布隆迪和刚果民主共和国东北部的民族。 They have much in common with the other groups of this region, the Twa and the Hutu.他们与周围的一些民族之间有许多相似之处,例如胡图族和特佤族。 Their cultures are similar, and they all speak the same language.他们的文化很相似,他们都讲同一种语言。

In the past, the Tutsi were cattle herders.在过去,图西族是牧民。 They were a minority of the population.他们是占人口少数。 However, most of the upper-class rulers were Tutsi.然而,最上层统治者是图西人。 A system of cattle trading helped keep peace among the different groups.他们有一种通过交易牛来保持不同群体之间的和平的系统。 The wealthier people (often Tutsi) lent cattle to the poorer ones (often Hutu).富裕的人(通常是图西族)把牛借给穷人(通常是胡图人)。 In return they gained their labor, loyalty, and political support.作为回报,他们获得胡图人的劳动,忠诚和政治支持。

Social relations in Rwanda and Burundi were changed by European rule. The Germans held power from the 1890s until World War I (1914–18).卢旺达和布隆迪的社会关系被欧洲的统治改变了。德国从19世纪90年代开始把持这里的权力,直至第一次世界大战(1914-18)。 Then the Belgians ruled until 1962.然后,比利时人开始统治,直到1962年。 For most of this period, the Europeans treated the Tutsi better than the Hutu.对于这个时期的大部分时间,欧洲人对待图西族比对胡图族好。 In the 1950s, however, the Belgians urged the Hutu to challenge Tutsi power.但是在20世纪50年代,比利时人鼓励胡图族对图西族的权力发起挑战。 In 1959 Hutu leaders overthrew the Tutsi monarchy in Rwanda.胡图族领导人在1959年推翻了图西族的专制统治。 Many Tutsi fled to nearby countries.许多图西族人逃到邻近国家。 In Burundi, the change to independence was more peaceful.在布隆迪,独立的变化更加和平。 Themwami(the Tutsi king) helped the Tutsi and Hutu sides reach an agreement. However, the peace did not last.姆瓦米(图西族的国王)帮助图西族和胡图族双方达成协议。但是,和平并没有持续。 The Hutu tried to gain power by force, and they were defeated.胡图族企图以武力夺取权力,他们被打败。

When the colonial period ended, opposite sides controlled Rwanda and Burundi.当殖民时期结束后,各自两方控制卢旺达和布隆迪。 The Hutu held power in Rwanda until 1994.胡图族在卢旺达把持政局直到1994。 The Tutsi still rule Burundi.图西族仍然在布隆迪当权。 Hutu power in Rwanda ended in 1994 when Tutsi rebels overthrew the government.直到1994年图西族推翻了卢旺达前政府,胡图族当权的局面才被改变 However, this Tutsi victory occurred at a great cost in human lives.然而,这场胜利却是以大量的生命作为代价的。 As many as one million people were killed。.多达100万人被杀害。

2 • LOCATION 2•位置Rwanda and Burundi are mountainous countries in east-central Africa. Their combined total area is about 20,900 square miles (54,100 square kilometers).卢旺达和布隆迪的东部和中部非洲山地国家。他们的总面积约2.09万(5.41万平方公里)平方英里。 This is about the combined size of the states of Maryland and New Jersey.这是关于马里兰和新泽西州合并的大小。

Tutsi also live in the northeastern part of the Democratic Republic of the Congo (formerly Zaire).图西族还生活在刚果民主共和国东北部(前扎伊尔)。 They live near the city of Bukavu in the Mulenge region.他们住在布卡武附近的城市在伦格地区。 Here they are known as theBanyamulenge.在这里,他们被称为穆伦格人。

The combined population of Rwanda and Burundi was about 13 million in 1994.卢旺达和布隆迪的总人口约为1300万1994年。 However, many refugees fled Rwanda that year.然而,许多难民逃离卢旺达的一年。 In addition, many Rwandese Tutsi returned from Uganda after the Hutu army was defeated in 1994.此外,许多后返回卢旺达图西族的胡图族军队是在1994年击败了来自乌干达。

3 • LANGUAGE 3•语言The Hutu, Tutsi, and Twa all speak a Central Bantu language.胡图,图西和特瓦都讲一个中央班图语。 It is calledKinyarwandain Rwanda, andKirundiin Burundi.这就是所谓基尼亚卢旺达,布隆迪和基隆迪语。 Both are dialects of the same language.两者都是同一种语言的方言。 Like other Bantu languages, both use nouns with prefixes.像其他班图语,前缀都使用同名词。 For example, the wordBanyamulenge("Ba-nya-mulenge") can be divided into parts.例如,单词穆伦格(“钡尼亚河-穆伦格”)可分为部分。 The prefix "banya" means "people"; "Mulenge" is the name of a region.前缀“番屋”是指“人”,“穆伦格”是一个区域的名称。 The whole word means "people of Mulenge."整个词的意思是“对穆伦格人。”

Many Rwandese and Burundians speak French, the language of their former Belgian rulers.卢旺达和布隆迪的许多讲法语,他们的前比利时统治者的语言。 French is used in school.法语是在学校使用。 Also, many people in both countries have French first names.此外,这两个国家的许多人拥有法式的名字开头。 Tutsi who have been refugees in Uganda may also speak English.已在乌干达的图西族难民也可能讲英语。

Personal names may be based on events, poetry, or beliefs.个人名称可能是基于事件,诗歌,或信仰。 The nameNdagijimanameans "God is my herder."Hakizumwamimeans "only the king can save."Muvunanyambomeans "the defender of noble cows."Ndagijimana这个名字的意思是“上帝是我的牧养人。”哈基祖姆瓦米的意思是“只有国王才能救。”Muvunanyambo意味着“高贵牛群的捍卫者。”4 • FOLKLORE 4•民间文学艺术 Tutsi folklore includes poetry, proverbs, folk tales, riddles, and myths.图西族的民间文学艺术,包括诗歌,谚语,民间故事,谜语,和神话。 Some Tutsis used to know the names of their ancestors at least six generations back.用他们知道自己的祖先,至少六代回一些名称图西人。 Many believed they were descended from a mythical king named Gihanga.许多人认为,他们的后裔从名为Gihanga一个神奇的国王。

One popular folk tale tells the story of Sebgugugu.一种流行的民间故事,讲述了Sebgugugu故事。 He was a poor man who was helped by God.他是一个穷人谁是上帝的帮助。 God performed miracles to provide food for him and his family.上帝创造了一个奇迹,为他和他的家庭的食品。 However, each time Sebgugugu wanted more.然而,每次Sebgugugu想要更多。 Through his greed, Sebgugugu lost everything in the end.通过他的贪婪,Sebgugugu最终失去了一切。

5 • RELIGION 5•宗教Today most people in Rwanda and Burundi are Christians.今天,大多数人在卢旺达和布隆迪是基督教徒。 However, some traditional beliefs survive.然而,一些传统信仰生存。 These include the belief in a distant creator calledImaana.This god has the power to grant wealth and fertility.其中一个是信仰名为Imaana的一个遥远的创造者。这个神有权授予财富和生育能力。 The king shares in this power.在这场权力国王股。 It can be seen in his sacred fire, royal drums, and rituals.可以看出,在他的神圣之火,皇家鼓,和仪式。 Spirits of dead relatives, calledabazima, carry messages betweenImaanaand the human world.所谓abazima死亡的亲人,烈酒,携带与Imaana和人类世界的信息。 However, theabazimamay bring bad luck to those who do not respect them.然而,abazima可能会带来运气不好,那些谁不尊重他们。 People offer gifts to protect themselves from theabazima.They also try to learn the spirits' wishes by seeing fortune-tellers.人们赠送礼物,以保护自己的abazima。他们还试图通过观察算命的学习精神愿望。

6 • MAJOR HOLIDAYS 6•重大节日 National holidays include Independence Day, May Day, New Year's Day, and the major Christian holidays.节假日包括独立日,劳动节,元旦,主要的基督教节日。 The Tutsis' traditional holidays were celebrated with dancing and sacred drumming.在图西族的传统节日的庆祝舞蹈和神圣的鼓乐。 These holidays are no longer observed.这些假期不再遵守。

7 • RITES OF PASSAGE 7通行•礼仪 Hutu and Tutsi rites of passage are very similar.胡图族和图西族的通过仪式非常相似。 The first one, the naming ceremony, takes place seven days after a child's birth.第一个,命名仪式,需要7天以后,孩子的出生地。

Marriage is made legal by payment of the bride wealth.婚姻是由法律所支付的新娘的财富。 It is paid by the groom's family to the bride's family because they are losing her labor.它付出的是新郎家到新娘家,因为他们是失去她的劳动。 There is no ritual other than marriage to mark the beginning of adulthood.没有任何仪式,除了结婚纪念成年的开始。

Death is marked by prayers, speeches, and limits on many activities. Close family members are supposed to avoid physical labor and sex after a death.死亡的特点是祈祷,演讲,对许多活动的限制。关系密切的家庭成员都应该避免在有人死亡后进行体力劳动和性生活。 When the mourning period ends, the family holds a ritual feast.当哀悼期结束,该家族拥有仪式盛宴。8 • RELATIONSHIPS 8•关系 Social status is very important in both Rwanda and Burundi.在卢旺达和布隆迪社会地位都是非常重要的。 Signs of status include a person's posture, body movements, and way of speaking.地位症状包括一个人的姿势,身体动作,说话的态度。 Upper-class people are supposed to act with dignity and not show their emotions.上层阶级的人都应该有尊严的行动,同时控制情绪。

The Tutsi have different greetings for morning, afternoon, and evening.图西族有上午,下午,和晚上不同的问候。

In the past, most people had arranged marriages to someone of the same social class.在过去,大多数人和相同的社会阶层的人履行包办婚姻。 Today, Tutsi may choose the person they will marry.今天,图西族的人可以选择他们想结婚的人。 Group activities are more common than dating in couples.小组活动是较常见的情侣约会。 However, some young Tutsis in the cities practice Western-style dating and go out to nightclubs.然而,城市的一些年轻的图西人在尝试西式约会和外出夜总会。

9 • LIVING CONDITIONS 9•生活条件 Traditional Tutsi houses were huts of wood, reeds, and straw shaped like beehives.传统的图西族房子的木材,芦苇小屋,和稻草像蜂窝形。 Around them were high hedges that served as fences.他们周围的人,由于围墙担任高大树篱。 Modern Tutsi build rectangular houses with Western-style building materials. These houses have corrugated iron or tile roofs.长方形的图西族建立现代住房与西式建筑的材料。这些房屋有瓦楞铁或瓦片屋顶。

10 • FAMILY LIFE 10•家庭生活 Tutsi and Hutu families are patrilineal (the family name is passed on by males).图西族和胡图族家庭是父系(姓氏是由男性通过)。

In the past, marriage in Rwanda and Burundi was based on the relations between the two families.在过去,婚姻在卢旺达和布隆迪是基于两个家族之间的关系。 Today most Tutsis choose the person they will marry.今天大部分的图西族的人选择他们希望的人结婚。11 • CLOTHING 11•服装 In the past, Tutsi men and women wore robes brought in from the African coast.在过去,图西族的男女穿着带来了非洲海岸的长袍。 A woman's costume included a white robe and white headbands.一个女人的服装包括白色长袍和白色头巾。 Today Western-style clothing is usually worn.今天,西式服装,通常穿。 Women wear dresses and scarves made from the printed cloth popular in East Africa. Men wear pants and shirts.妇女穿的礼服和印花布在东非流行了围巾。男士穿的裤子和衬衫。

12 • FOOD 12•食品Milk, butter, and meat are the most highly valued foods.牛奶,黄油和肉类是最有价值的食品。 However, people will only kill a cow on a special occasion.但是,人们会杀在特殊情况下一头牛。 Goat meat and goat milk are also eaten.羊肉和羊奶,也吃了。 However, they are eaten secretly because it is against Tutsi customs.然而,他们吃了秘密,因为它是对图西族习俗。 Tutsi in rural areas consume milk products, bananas, and sorghum beer.在农村地区的图西族的消费奶类制品,香蕉,高粱啤酒。 Meals are arranged around work schedules.膳食安排与工作时间表。

Alcoholic beverages are made from bananas and sorghum.酒精饮料均是从香蕉和高粱。 People drink them on special occasions.人们在特殊场合饮用他们。13 • EDUCATION 13•教育 No more than half of Tutsi in Rwanda and Burundi can read and write their native language.不超过一半的图西族在卢旺达和布隆迪可以读取和写入他们的母语。 A smaller number can read and write French.一个较小的数字能读会写法语。 There are teacher training schools in Burundi.布隆迪有教师培训学校。 Both Rwanda and Burundi have at least one university.卢旺达和布隆迪两国至少有一所大学。

14 • CULTURAL HERITAGE 14•文化遗产 Royal dancing and drumming groups performed for the kings of Rwanda and Burundi.英国皇家舞蹈和鼓乐的卢旺达和布隆迪的国王演出团体。 For rituals, two dozen tall drums were placed around a central drum.对于仪式,24名高鼓被放置着一个中心鼓。 The drummers moved around the drums in a circle.鼓手提出的围绕一个圆鼓。 Each one took a turn beating the central drum.每个人打了一转中央鼓。 This style of drumming is still practiced, and it has been recorded.这种风格的鼓乐仍然实行,并已记录在案。

Singing, dancing, and drumming are important in rural life.歌唱,舞蹈,和鼓点都在农村生活的重要。 People compose many kinds of songs—hunting songs, lullabies, andibicuba(songs praising cattle).多种人民谱写的歌曲,狩猎歌,摇篮曲和ibicuba(歌曲赞美牛)。15 • EMPLOYMENT 15•就业 Cattle herding has always carried a higher status among the Tutsi than farming.在图西人之间放牧牛一向比从事耕作拥有更高的地位。 In the past there was a special class of herders, calledabashumba, who took care of the king's prize cattle (inyambo).在过去有一类特殊的养顾着国王赏赐的牛(inyambo)的牧民称为abashumba,

16 • SPORTS 16•体育The main spectator sport in Rwanda and Burundi is soccer.在卢旺达的主要观众是体育和布隆迪足球。

A game calledigisorois popular with children and adults.所谓igisoro一个游戏是儿童和成年人的欢迎。 It is played on a wooden board with holes for beads or stones.它是制作一个具有珠子或石头洞木板。 Players line up their pieces in rows and capture as many of their opponents' pieces as they can.玩家在排队排的作品,捕捉作为其对手的作品很多,他们可以。 In other parts of Africa the game is known asmancala.在非洲其他的游戏是宝石棋称为部分。17 • RECREATION 17•文 Movie theaters in the capitals of Rwanda and Burundi show current European and American films.电影院在卢旺达和布隆迪的首都,显示当前欧洲和美国电影。

18 • CRAFTS AND HOBBIES 18•工艺品及业余爱好 Traditional crafts of Rwanda and Burundi include basket weaving, pottery, woodworking, metal working, and jewelry making.传统工艺的卢旺达和布隆迪包括编篮子,陶瓷,木材加工,金属加工和珠宝制造。

19 • SOCIAL PROBLEMS 19•社会问题 Since the early 1960s, the peoples of Rwanda and Burundi have lived through some of the worst violence in African history. 20世纪60年代初以来,卢旺达和布隆迪人民经历了非洲历史上最严重的暴力问题。 The killings are usually called ethnic warfare between the Hutu and Tutsi.通常的屠杀之间所谓的胡图族和图西族的种族战争。 However, victims have often been killed for their political beliefs, not just their ethnic group.但是,受害者往往被杀害,他们的政治信仰,不仅是他们的民族。

20 • BIBLIOGRAPHY 20•参考书目 Lemarchand, Rene.Burundi: Ethnocide as Discourse and Practice.New York: Cambridge University Press, 1994.勒马尔尚,勒内。布隆迪:作为话语和实践。纽约:剑桥大学出版社,1994年种族文化灭绝。

Nyankanzi, Edward L.Genocide: Rwanda and Burundi.Rochester, Vt.: Schenkman Books, 1997. Nyankanzi,爱德华湖种族灭绝:卢旺达和布隆迪。罗切斯特,佛蒙特州:申克曼图书,1997。

Twagilimana, Aimable.Hutu and Tutsi.Heritage Library of African Peoples. Twagilimana,艾马布勒。胡图族和图西族。文物图书馆非洲人民。 New York: Rosen Publishing Group, 1998.纽约:罗森出版集团,1998。



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