
You and IYou and IYou and IYou and I

王朝百科·作者佚名  2011-11-11  
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You and IYou and IYou and IYou and I


“我们跟随本能前进,让音乐自由的流动,然后将蝎子那致命的毒刺展现出来。”--世界上流行时间最长,最具影响力的金属摇滚乐队先锋正是来自德国的Scorpions(蝎子)乐队。他们的各张专辑已在世界范围内卖出了超过两千万张并且有一大把的打榜金曲。乐队成立于1968年,毫无疑问,Scorpions是整个欧洲大陆最负影响力的乐队之一。但他们又有着其它著名乐队所没有的经历--1989年他们世界巡回演出甚至到达了苏维埃时期的莫斯科,更因为单曲“Wind Of Change”受到了苏联元首戈尔巴乔夫在克里姆林宫的亲切接见,这是第一支也是唯一一支受到苏联领导人接见的乐队。乐队的特点在于将流行乐中悦耳的音调、即兴的重复巧妙运用于自己的作品之中。从他们的专辑《Pure Instinct》(绝对本能)我们就能够很好的理解乐队的创作方向了。


You and IYou and IYou and IYou and I
Pure Instinct


曲名:You and I

作词:Klaus Meine

作曲:Klaus Meine

来自专辑:Pure Instinct




风格:Hard Rock,Heavy Metal

歌词及翻译I lose control because of you babe我丧失了理智,只因为你

I lose control when you look at me like this我丧失了理智,当你这样看着我

There's something in your eyes that is saying tonight你眼中有些许悸动,今晚将要诉说

I'm not a child anymore, life has opened the door我不再是个孩子,生活已经打开了这扇门

To a new exciting life通往崭新的精彩生活

I lose control when I'm close to you babe我丧失了理智,只因为你

I lose control don't look at me like this我丧失了理智,不要这样看着我

There's something in your eyes, is this love at first sight你眼中有些许悸动,那是一见钟情吗

Like a flower that grows, life just wants you to know就像一朵花儿的成长,生活想让你了解

All the secrets of life生命的所有秘密

It's all written down in your lifelines这已经在你的命中注定

It's written down inside your heart这已经在你心中画下烙印

You and I just have a dream你和我,只有一个梦想

To find our love a place, where we can hide away为我们的爱找个空间,远离喧嚣

You and I were just made你和我,已被注定

To love each other now, forever and a day相爱每天,直到永远

I lose control because of you babe我丧失了理智,只因为你

I lose control when you look at me like this我丧失了理智,当你这样看着我

There's something in your eyes that is saying tonight你眼中有些许悸动,今晚将要诉说

I'm so curious for more just like never before我如此好奇,从未经历

In my innocent life在我无辜的一生中

It's all written down in your lifelines这已经在你的命中注定

It's written down inside your heart这已经在你心中画下烙印

You and I just have a dream你和我,只有一个梦想

To find our love a place, where we can hide away为我们的爱找个空间,远离喧嚣

You and I were just made你和我,已被注定

To love each other now, forever and a day相爱每天,直到永远

Time stands still when the days of innocence时间坚持伫立,直到无辜之日

Are falling for the night堕入永夜

I love you girl I always will我爱你,永远

I swear I'm there for you我发誓我将为你在此

Till the day I die知道我死去

You and I just have a dream你和我,只有一个梦想

To find our love a place, where we can hide away为我们的爱找个空间,远离喧嚣

You and I were just made你和我,已被注定

To love each other now, forever and a day相爱每天,直到永远 。[3]BOM个人solo

唱片名称:《You And I》




单曲歌词No matter what happens

Even when the skys falling down

I promise you

That I`m never let you go


You 내가 쓰러질 때 절대 흔들림 없이

You nae ga se reo jir dae jeol dae heun deul rim eop si

강한 눈빛으로 몇 번이고 날 일으켜 줘

Kyang han nun bi cheu ro myeon beo ni go nl il eu kyeo jueo

And You 나 힘에 겨울 때 슬픔을 벼랑 끝까지

And You na hi me kyao ul dae sel pe mel byeon rang keut ga ji

또 어김없이 찾아 와 두 손 잡은 그대에게

do eo gim eop si qya ja wa du son ja beun geu dae ye ge

난 해준 게 없는데 초라한 나지만

nan hae jun ge eop nen de qo ra han na ji ma

오늘 그대 위해 이 노래 불러요

o neul geu dae oi hae i no rae bul reo yo

Tonight 그대의 두 눈에

Tonight gei dae ei du nu ne

그 미소 뒤에 날 위해 감춰왔던 아픔이 보여요

geu mi so dui ye nal wo hae kam queo was deon a pe mi bo yeo yo

You and I together it`s just feels alright

이별이란 말은 never 그 누가 뭐라 해도 난 그댈 지킬게

i byeo li ran ma leun never geu nu ga wo ra hae do nan geu dael ji kil ge

You and I together 내 두 손을 놓지 마

you and I together nae du so neul no ji ma

안녕이란 말은 never 내게 이 세상은 오직 너 하나기에

an nyeon gi ran ma leun never nae ge i se sang eun o jig neo ha na gi ye

그 많은 사람처럼

geu ma neun sa ram cheo reom

우리 사랑 역시 조금씩 변하겠죠

u ri sa rang yok si jo gem sig byeon h ge jyo

하지만 제발 슬퍼 말아요

Ha ji man je bal seul peo ma la yo

오랜 친한 친구처럼 나만을 믿을 수 있게

o raen qin han qin gu cheo reom na ma nen mi deul su i ge

기댈 수 있게

ki dae su i ge

I promise you that I`m be right here baby

난 해준 게 없는데 초라한 나지만

nan hae jun ge eop nen de qo ra han na ji ma

오늘 그대 위해 이 노래 불러요

o neul geu dae oi hae i no rae bul reo yo

Tonight 그대의 두 눈에

Tonight gei dae ei du nu ne

그 미소 뒤에 날 위해 감춰왔던 아픔이 보여요

geu mi so dui ye nal wo hae kam queo was deon a pe mi bo yeo yo

You and I together it`s just feels alright

이별이란 말은 never 그 누가 뭐라 해도 난 그댈 지킬게

i byeo li ran ma leun never geu nu ga wo ra hae do nan geu dael ji kil ge

You and I together 내 두 손을 놓지 마

you and I together nae du so neul no ji ma

안녕이란 말은 never 내게 이 세상은 오직 너 하나기에

an nyeon gi ran ma leun never nae ge i se sang eun o jig neo ha na gi ye

외로운 밤이 찾아 올 땐 나 살며시 눈을 감아요

oi ro un ba mi qi ja or ddae na sal myeon xi nu nel ka ma yo

그대의 숨결이 날 안을 때 무엇도 두렵지 않죠

geu dae ei sum kyeo ri nal an neul dae mu eos do nu ryeob ji an jyo

이 세상 그 어떤 누구도 그대를 대신할 수 없죠

i se sang geu eo deon nu gu do geu dae reul dae sin hal su eop jyo

You are the only one in I`ll be there for you baby

You and I together it`s just feels alright

이별이란 말은 never 그 누가 뭐라 해도 난 그댈 지킬게

i byeo li ran ma leun never geu nu ga wo ra hae do nan geu dae ji kil ge

You and I together 내 두 손을 놓지 마

you and I together ae nu so neul noh ji ma

안녕이란 말은 never 내게 이 세상은 오직 너 하나기에

an nyeon gi ran ma leun never nae ge i se sang eun o jik neo ha gi ye

just you and I


and ever..

中文翻译No matter what happens(不管发生什么)

Even when discusse on me now I promise you

That I`m never let you go Oh Oh Oh oh Oh oh-Yeah

You 在我倒下的时候丝毫没有慌乱 好几次用坚强的眼神让我清醒

And You 在我精疲力尽悲伤绝望之际 准会来到我身边的你 我

虽一无所有 今天将为你献上这首歌 Tonight 我在你的双眼中

那微笑背后,看到了那为我深藏的伤痛 You and I together it`s just feels alright

所谓离别只是never 无论谁说什么,我也会守护着你 You and I together 别放开我的双手

所谓再见只是never 因为于我来说,这世上惟有你一人 I promise you that I`m be right here baby

正如那茫茫众生 我们的爱也会有些许改变 但是千万不要悲伤 正如多年老友一般,只相信我

等待着我 我虽一无所有 今天将为你献上这首歌 Tonight 我在你的双眼中

那微笑背后,看到了那为我深藏的伤痛 You and I together it`s just feels alright

所谓离别只是never 无论谁说什么,我也会守护着你 You and I together 别放开我的双手

所谓再见只是never 因为于我来说,这世上惟有你一人 当孤寂夜晚来临,我轻轻合上眼

拥我入怀之时,你的气息让我无所畏惧 这世上任何人都无法将你取代

You are the only one in I`ll be there for you baby You and I together it`s just feels alright

所谓离别只是never 无论谁说什么,我也会守护着你 You and I together 别放开我的双手

所谓再见只是never 因为于我来说,这世上惟有你一人Lyrics:

Oceans in the distance, can't keep us apart

though you're far away, I still know who you are

a flicker in the darkness, our love is like a spark

you're the perfect ending love song, you're the strings on my guitar

and I`ll stand beside you as long as I'm alive

as long as I am breathing, I`ll make things alright

and I`ll stand beside you as long as I'm alive

you`ll always be my baby, you know that you and I

you and I got something that is rare,

nothing comes close, nothing can compare

they can say, they can do what they wanna

cause we get stronger like rain thunder

every time they try to tear our love apart

we get tired of their love, you have my heart

they can say, they can do what they wanna

cause we get stronger like rain thunder

our love is like a movement & i`ve become so bright

without your love behind me, i dont think i'd survive

you made me so happy,you're the reason why

i keep on climbing higher, you keep my hope alive

and I`ll stand beside you as long as I'm alive

you`ll always be my baby, you know that you and

you and I got something that is rare,

nothing comes close, nothing can compare

they can say, they can do what they wanna

cause we get stronger like rain thunder

every time they try to tear our love apart

we get tired of their love, you have my heart

they can say, they can do what they wanna

cause we get stronger like rain thunder

we're stronger than yesterday, nothing's I`m here to stay

I`ll never walk away from what we have

every day & night ,when i close my eyes

I say a prayer cause i got you in my life

your love is sent from above like rain & thunder

you and I got something that is rare,

nothing comes close, nothing can compare

they can say, they can do what they wanna

cause we get stronger like rain thunder

every time they try to tear our love apart

we get tired of their love, you have my heart

they can say, they can do what they wanna

cause we get stronger like rain and thunder

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