制造工艺Manufacturing Proce环保高聚合绵,是将PU Foam打碎成粉体状,加入PU原料,经纳米技术处理,利用先进的设备及配方聚合而成。Poly-foam is to break into powder-like PU Foam, PU raw materials added by nano-technology processing, advanced equipment and prescription polymerization.
功能特点Feature具有透气吸湿、抗菌除臭、缓冲减震、环保质轻等特点,还可加入特种功能材料,如防霉抗菌剂、香料、活性碳、软木屑、抗静电材料等,并具有相应功效。同时,可按客户要求调整各种颜色、宽度、密度(150-300kg/m3)、功能来生产,是鞋垫,特别是运动鞋鞋垫,运动器材等领域非常理想的材料。其从选料的再生理念是低碳生活所倡导,其发泡工艺也是无毒无污染的环保工艺,目前已经被广大品牌鞋厂应用于鞋垫上!With breathable moisture absorption, anti-bacterial deodorant, buffering shock absorption, light and other environmental features, can also join special functional materials, such as antimicrobial agents, spices, activated carbon, soft wood, antistatic materials, and the corresponding effect. At the same time, can be customized to adjust a variety of colors, width, density (150-300kg/m3), function to produce, is the insole, especially sports shoes insoles, sports equipment and other areas of very good material. The choice of materials from renewable low-carbon life philosophy is advocated by the foaming process is non-toxic pollution of the environmental process has now been applied to large brand shoe insoles on! Developers is you Foshan City LZ shoes materials Co., Ltd, width cound be do between 36 " and 60", roll or press the need for cutting.
产品规格Product SpecificationStandard width36“=0.9144m,
**Note**:可以在36”~60“按照与之贴合之布料来调整发泡宽幅。Common Thickne2mm/3mm/4mm/5mm/12mm/14mm/20mm
研发商Development of the manufacturer佛山市林至鞋材有限公司,创立于2006年,位于珠三角腹地鞋业重镇南海平洲,倡导简单精致的生活方式,研发舒适、健康、环保的新型鞋服材料研发,以及鞋垫材料设计应用、推广。
Foshan City Lin to Shoes Co., Ltd., founded in 2006, is located in the hinterland of the Pearl River Delta city of the South China Sea Ping shoes, advocated a simple elegant way of life, research and development comfort, health, environmental protection insoles materials.