> 低损耗,空载比SC9系列降低10%,负载降低5%
> 噪音低,在53dB以下
> 专利的高压线圈结构实现更高的可靠性
> 局部放电量低(保证10pC以下)
> 更高的抗雷电冲击水平
> 散热好,过载能力强,强迫风冷条件下可以140%额定负荷运行
> 抗环境和抗气候能力强,防潮防凝露,无需预干燥即可投入运行
> 无污染,免维护
> E2-C2-F1认证优势应用施耐德电气的技术和工艺,引进世界上最先进的生产和试验设备制造。针对中国市场开发设计的SCB10和SCB9系列树脂浇注干式变压器。应用范围近二十年来,已有超过50000台Trihal在五大洲的五十多个国家安全、可靠运行,主要应用在建筑、工业、能源和基础设施几大领域。
Schneider Electric's technology and processes, the introduction of the world's most advanced production and testing equipment. Developed and designed for the Chinese market SCB10 and SCB9 series resin casting dry type transformers.
Past two decades, has more than 50,000 units Trihal more than fifty countries on five continents safe, reliable operation, mainly used in construction, industry, energy and infrastructure fields several.
The main application project in China are: Shanghai Jinmao Tower, Pudong Telecom Building, Hong Kong NEC, Hubei Dongfeng Peugeot Citroen Automobile, Procter & Gamble, Budweiser Wuhan, Shenzhen, IBM, Bank of China Tower, Yantai, Qingdao, HP, Tianjin Sino-US GlaxoSmithKline, Huaneng Shantou Electric Factory, Suzhou Europe to Ya, Beijing Jeep, Shenzhen Hitachi, Shanghai INTEL, Shanghai Michelin, Guangzhou, Shanghai South Railway Station, National Computer Network Center, Ningbo Ou Shang, IKEA Shanghai, Chongqing Golden Resources Hotel.