杨民康,男,白族,民族音乐学家。1955年10月15日出生。中央音乐学院研究员(2004)、中央音乐学院学报副主编 (2002)、音乐学系博士研究生导师。曾就读于中央民族学院音乐舞蹈系、中央音乐学院音乐学系和香港中文大学音乐系,获文学硕士和哲学博士学位。
ACADEMIC DEGREES: M.A., Central Conservatory
of Music (Ethnomusicology); Ph.D., The Chinese
University of Hong Kong (Ethnomusicology)
POST: Associate Editor-in-Chief ofJournal of theCentral
Conservatory of MusicResearch Fellow of Central
Conservatory of Music
SPECIALTIES: Musical ethnography of Chinese minority
(Dai, Yao, Blan, Dean); Religious music in
Yunnan Province and Guangxi Province
1990 “Probing into the Christian influenced musical
culture of the minorities in Yunnan Province, China.”
InMusicology in China4: 82-88.
1992The Chinese folksong and its native soil.
Changchun: Jilin Jiaoyu Chubanshe.
1996The music of folk dance in China. Beijing:
Renmin Yinyue Chubanshe.
1997 “Prospects for the comparative research of
Chinese southern minority nationalities music and Japanese
folk music (1) (2) .” InPeople’s Music8: 16-19; 9: 30-33.
1999 “Investigation of the ritual music used in
Canonical Hours in Theravada Buddhism within Chinese
territory.” InJournal of the CentralConservatory of
Music3: 68-75.
2000The music of Taoist Ritual of Yao People in
Yunnan,China. Taibei: Xinwenfengchubangongsi.
2000 “The traditional percussion ensemble in the
Theravadafestivals of theDaiEthnic Nationality in Yunan.”,
7th International CHIME Conference Music and Meaning in China
and East Asia, Leiden University.
2003Astudy of the Theravada Buddhist Festival
RitualPerformance of Dai Ethnic Nationality in Yunnan.
Beijing: Zongjiaowenhuachubanshe.
2003 “Christmas Day Ritual Music of the Lisu people
in Yunan: Past and Present.” ICTM 37th World Conference,
(Fuzhou, China).
2005 “The Narrative Folksongs of Dai People: The
Change of Musical Style in Contemporary Cultural Context.”
The International Forum of Ethnomusicology in Taiwan 2005,
Conference Proceedings, Soochow University.
2008Onthe music of Christian Ritual of theminorities
in Yunnan,China.Beijing: Zongjiaowenhuachubanshe.