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歌曲简介Colorblind是电影《成事在人》(Invictus)的插曲,由南非知名人声乐团Overtone(有些地方误写为Overstone)与个性男主音Yollandi Nortjie合作演唱。至于歌曲名字的翻译,有些地方直接用“色盲”来作为翻译,但从电影内容和歌词来看,“一视同仁”、“无肤色歧视的”这类翻译更贴切歌曲所要表达的内容。

电影简介基本信息名称 成事在人

外文名称 Invictus


The Human Factor.....USA (working title) / USA (working title)

Long Walk to Freedom

导演:克林特·伊斯特伍德Clint Eastwood


John Carlin ....(book "Playing the Enemy: Nelson Mandela and the Game that Made a Nation")

安东尼·佩卡姆 Anthony Peckham ....screenplay


摩根·弗里曼Morgan Freeman....Nelson Mandela

马特·达蒙 Matt Damon ....Francois Pienaar





上映日期: 2009年12月 美国剧情简介《成事在人》是根据约翰·卡林的作品《成事在人:纳尔逊·曼德拉和改变世界的游戏》(The Human电影海报

Factor:Nelson Mandela and the Game That Changed the World)改编而成。


歌词内容英文原词Colorblind -Overtone

And it's not just a game

You can't throw me away

I put all I had on the line

And I give and you take

And I played the high stakes

I've won and I've lost

But, I'm fine

Hear me say I'll wise up till the end

Hear me say I'll stand up for my friends

And I crash to the ground

And it's just my own sound

I drop in the blink of an eye

I'm colorblind

And your milky way fight

Won't stop my delight

You keep me and lock me away

And it's dark and it's bright

It's your colorful pride that kept me here 9000 days

Hear me say I'll see the sky again

Hear me say I'll drive for you my friends

There's a noise in the crowd

But it's just my own shout

A stumble I fall and I pray

Hear you say your eyes see green again

In the end we'll lived up holding hands

Yes, we'll spark in the night

We'll be colorblind

And these are the lives we gave

(I can't understand this part... Something about peace and freedom...)

Hear me say I'll wise up till the end

Hear me say that I'll stand beside my friends

I won't stay on the floor

I will settle the score

A stumble I fall and I pray

Hear me say it's time we stop talking

Eye to eye we see a different face (faith?)

Yes we we've conquered the war

With love at the core

A stumble I fall, but I'll stay

Colorblind.中英对照Colorblind - Overtone

And it's not just a game 这不仅仅是个游戏

You can't throw me away 你不能就这样把我抛弃

I put all I had on the line 我把我的一切都给了这场游戏

And I give and you take 我给了,你要了

And I played the high stakes 我押了最高的筹码

I've won and I've lost 我赢了,我输了

But, I'm fine 但是,我很好!

Hear me say I'll wise up till the end 听我说,我会坚持到最后

Hear me say I'll stand up for my friends 听我说,我会永远支持我的朋友

And I crash to the ground 我重重跌倒在地

And it's just my own sound 这只是我活着的证明

I drop in the blink of an eye 而在转瞬之间,我停了下来

I'm colorblind 我不会有任何偏见

And your milky way fight 你像银河般地划过我的星空

Won't stop my delight 让我激动万分

You keep me and lock me away 瞬间,你锁住了我的心

And it's dark and it's bright 黑夜很黑,你很闪亮

It's your colorful pride that kept me here 9000 days 你耀眼的骄傲,锁住了我的心,整整9000天

Hear me say I'll see the sky again 听我说,我会重新见到夜空

Hear me say I'll drive for you my friends 听我说,我会为你前行

There's a noise in the crowd人群喧闹

But it's just my own shout 但只是我存在的理由

A stumble I fall and I pray 一阵跌跌撞撞,我倒下了,我祈祷着

Hear you say your eyes see green again 听你说,你会重新见到绿的颜色

In the end we'll lived up holding hands 最终我们将手挽手一起加油

Yes, we'll spark in the night 是的,我们会在黑夜中闪耀

We'll be colorblind 我们将不会有任何偏见

And these are the lives we gave 这就是我们的生活

(I can't understand this part... Something about peace and freedom...)

Hear me say I'll wise up till the end 听我说,我会坚持到最后

Hear me say that I'll stand beside my friends 听我说,我会全力支持我的朋友

I won't stay on the floor 我不会呆在看台上

I will settle the score 我会反超比分

A stumble I fall and I pray 跌跌撞撞地,我倒下了,我祈祷着

Hear me say it's time we stop talking 听我说,让我们静静聆听

Eye to eye we see a different face (faith?) 在凝视中我们看见对方的脸(信任?)

Yes we we've conquered the war 是的,我们赢了这战斗

With love at the core 因为爱

A stumble I fall, but I'll stay 跌跌撞撞地,我倒下了,但我会永远坚持

Colorblind (坚持)一视同仁[2]

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