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【外文词条】Islamic calendar



一月大 穆哈兰姆(Muharram) 30天

二月小 色法尔(Saphar) 29天

三月大 赖比儿·敖外鲁(Rabia-al-awwel) 30天

四月小 赖比儿·阿赫尔(Rabia-al-accher) 29天

五月大 主马达·敖外鲁(Jomada-al-awwel) 30天

六月小 主马达·阿赫尔(Jomada-al-accher) 29天

七月大 赖哲卜(Rajab) 30天

八月小 舍尔邦(Shaaban) 29天

九月大 赖买丹(Ramadan) 30天

十月小 闪瓦鲁(Shawwal) 29天

十一月大 都尔喀尔得(Dulkaada) 30天

十二月小 都尔黑哲(Dulheggia) 29天


回历推七曜法﹕设A 为回历纪元年数﹐

A =A -1﹐A =10a+b ﹐m =月系数﹐d =日次﹐月系数表如下


P +m +d -2-2(a -2b )≡W (mod7)﹐

上式意思是﹕用7去除其左边的总和﹐得余数W ﹐W 为七曜名。


波斯历为太阳历﹐伊嗣侯指波斯王伊嗣侯三世﹐他登王位之年(632年)改历﹐故历元从这年起。波斯历伊嗣侯纪元元年1月1日相当公元632年6月16日。公元 840年左右的花拉子模所撰的历数书(al-Khwrizmi's Zij)卷首记录了波斯历。其中写道:“问﹕为什么说从阿拉伯历(按即回历)年月日化为波斯历时﹐即以所属月份加30或29天连同已过年的日数﹐减去3﹐624﹐除以365而得﹖答﹕历中所用波斯纪年﹐是从伊嗣侯王(三世)登位时开始﹐它同回嗖?﹐624天﹐所以你从回历累计日数减去这数﹐所余的数即是从波斯历纪年开始的日数。波斯历以一年为365天﹐故除365﹐余数是波斯纪年日数﹐商数是波斯纪年的年数。问﹕为什么说﹐当你要知道波斯各年一月月首七曜﹐以波斯历伊嗣侯纪年已过年数﹐加三﹐满七除之﹐即得年首为何曜﹖答﹕理由是波斯纪年的第一年元旦是火曜日﹐从日曜日算起到这天凡三天﹐所以要加三。又每年为365天﹐满七除之﹐余一天﹐所以即以三加所过年数﹐满七除之﹐命日曜日算上﹐即得一月月首的曜日。问﹕为什么说﹐假如你要知道任何月月首七曜﹐即把年首七曜加二即得﹐但第八鲁猢t答﹕理由是波斯纪年各月都是30天﹐以七除之余二﹐第八月35天﹐七除适尽﹐故除外﹐”(据The al-Muthann's Commentary on the Astronomical Tables of al-Khwrizmi﹐Bernard R.Goldstein 译本﹐1967。)


婆罗钵文(Pahlavi) 波斯文

一月 法伐第诺 法而斡而丁

(Fravardino) (Farwardin)

二月 阿达伐希 阿而的必喜世

(Ardavahist) (Ardibihischt)

三月 荷伐达特 虎而达

(Horvadad) (Churdd)

四月 尔 提尔

(Tr) (Tr)

五月 阿姆洛达特 木而达

(Amerdad) (Murdd)

六月 沙脱伐洛 沙合列斡而

(Shatvair) (Schahriwr)

七月 密脱洛 列黑而

(Mitr) (Mihr)

八月 阿凡 阿班

(vn) (bn)

九月 阿脱洛 阿咱而

(ter) (dhr)

十月 台诺 答亦

(Dn) (Dei)

十一月 缚呵曼 八哈慢

(Vohman) (Bahman)]

十二月 斯班达马特 亦思番达而麻的

(Spendarmad) (Isfandarmadh)


波斯历推七曜法﹕设A 为波斯历伊嗣侯纪元年数﹐A =A -1﹐m =月系数﹐d =日次﹐则

A +m +d +2≡W (mod7)﹐

W 为七曜名。

The Muslim Era began in 622 with the Hijrah, or Emigration. Muhammad and his small band of followers left Makkah and traveled to Medinah. This event was adopted as the beginning of the Muslim Era in the Caliphate of 'Umar Ibn Al-Khattab, the second Caliph after Muhammad. The Muslim calendar is Lunar, its months being determined by the positions of the moon. Each year consists of twelve months, each month being 29 or 30 days in length depending on the position of the moon.

It is considered a divine command to use a (Hijra) calendar with 12 (purely) lunar months without intercalation, as evident from the following verses of the Holy Quran (Translation: A. Yusuf Ali)

Al-Quran, Chapter 2 Al-Baqara, Verse 189

In the Name of Allah, The Benevolent, The Merciful

They ask thee concerning the New Moons, Say: They are but signs to mark fixed periods of time in (the affairs of) men and for Pilgrimage.

The Islamic year has twelve months that are based on a lunar cycle. Allah says in the Quran:

Al-Quran, Chapter 9 At-Tauba, Verse 36

In the Name of Allah, The Benevolent, The Merciful

The number of months in the sight of Allah is twelve (in a year) so ordained by Him the day He created the heavens and the earth; of them four are sacred; that is the straight usage. So wrong not yourselves therein and fight the pagans all together as they fight you all together. But know that Allah is with those who restrain themselves.


Al-Quran, Chapter 10 Yunus, Verse 5

In the Name of Allah, The Benevolent, The Merciful

"It is He Who made the sun to be a shining glory, and the moon to be a light of beauty, and measured out stages for it, that you might know the number of years and the count of time. Allah did not create this except in truth and righteousness. And He explains His signs in detail, for those who understand"

In his final sermon before his death, the Prophet Muhammad said, among other things, "With Allah the months are twelve; four of them are holy; three of these are successive and one occurs singly between the months of Jumaada and Sha'ban."

Islamic months begin at sunset, on the day when the lunar crescent is visually sighted. The lunar year is approximately 354 days long, so the months rotate backward through the seasons and are not fixed to the Gregorian calendar. The months of the Islamic year are:

The Islamic calendar is named Hijri calendar and is a lunar calendar. It contains 12 months that are based on the motion of the moon, and because 12 lunar months is 12 x 29.53=354.36 days, the Islamic calendar is consistently shorter (11 Days) than a solar year, and therefore it shifts with respect to the Gregorian calendar.

The Islamic calendar is the official calendar in countries in the Middle East and North Africa , especially Saudi Arabia. But other Muslim countries use the Gregorian calendar for civil purposes and turn to the Islamic calendar for religious purposes.

Which months are there in an Islamic year?

1. Muharram 7. Rajab

2. Safar 8. Sha'ban

3. Rabi' al-awwal 9. Ramadan

4. Rabi' al-thani 10. Shawwal

5. Jumada al-awwal 11. Dhu al-Qi'dah

6. Jumada al-thani 12. Dhu al-Hijjah

What are the days called in an Islamic Week?

السَّبْت As-Sabt - To rest الأحَد Al-Ahad - Day Onefrom the Arabic 'one' - wahid الإثْنَيْن Al- 'ithnayn - Day Twofrom the Arabic 'two' - ithnayn

الثُّلاثَاءAth-Thulatha - Day Threefrom the Arabic 'three' - thalatha الأرْبِعَاءAl-'Arba'aa - Day Fourfrom the Arabic 'four' - arba'aa الْخَمِيسAl-Khamees - Day Fivefrom the Arabic 'five' - khamsah

الْجُمْعَة Al-Jum'ah - Day of Gathering

Current Islamic Month

Dates in blue are from the Gregorian calendar and the ones in red are hijri (Islamic) dates.

Current Moon Phase (Live)

CURRENT MOON moon phase

How an Islamic month develops

Each month starts when the lunar crescent is first seen after a new moon.

Although new moons may be calculated quite precisely, the actual visibility of the crescent is difficult to predict. It depends on factors such as weather, the optical properties of the atmosphere, and the location of the observer. Therefore in some cases it may be difficult to give accurate information in advance about when a new month will start.

Furthermore, in some areas Muslims depend on a local sighting of the moon, whereas in other areas a universal sighting is accepted. (i.e. if a new crescent is seen anywhere in the world it is accepted for communities the world over). Both are valid Islamic practices, but they may lead to different starting days for the months.

How can we calculate the Islamic era?

Years are counted since the Hijra, that is, Prophet Mohammed's migration to Medina, which is assumed to have taken place 16 July C.E. 622 (Julian calendar). On that date AH 1 started (AH = Anno Hegirae = year of the Hijra).

Important Islamic Dates

Importance Date

Hajj - Pilgrimage to Mecca 1st Zul-Hijjah

Eid-ul-Adha - Feast of sacrifice 10th- Zul-Hijjah

Hijri - Islamic New Year 1st Muharram

A'ashoora - Martyrdom of Imam Hussein - Grandson of Prophet Mohammed 10th Muharram

Birth Date of Prophet Mohammed 12th Rabi-Al-Awwal

Isra'a & Mir'aj - Prophet Mohammed ascension to Heaven. 27th Rajab

Ramadan - First day of fasting 1st Ramadan

Lailatul Qadr - Night of Power When Qur'an was revealed. Found in one of the following nights:23rd, 25th, 27th or 29th of Ramadan

Eid-ul-Fitr - End of Ramadan celebration 1st Shawwal

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