

王朝百科·作者佚名  2010-03-07  
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RadeditorTelerik r.a.d.editor 是非常优秀的所见即所得(WYSIWYG)丰富的ASP.NET文本编辑器。该产品综合了Word界面和其非常优秀的内容管理功能,甚至可以让完全不了解技术的用户都能轻易地使用并制作web页面。


1. 可以选择直接保存内容到 ASCX/ASPX文件中 r.a.d.editor 是唯一的内置了直接保存内容到页面或者控件的内容编辑器,该特性非常适合于网站上各种各样的静态区域(e.g. welcome text, FAQ, company information, contacts, etc.), 这些不需要存入数据库中。 另外,该特性允许您改变静态网站为可编辑的,让您可以轻松管理网站内容.

2. 用户角色机制 (insert, upload, delete 权限) 通过r.a.d.editor 可以控制images, Flash, Windows Media,documents...等的insert, upload, 和 delete的权限 ,比如市场部门的张三能够从Img and .News文件夹中插入图片和flash,upload到News和.John,仅可以删除John的内容,但不允许编辑由其他部门控制的"欢迎信息"

3. 支持Flash 和 Windows 媒体对象 r.a.d.editor 是一个真正丰富的内容编辑器,完全支持Flash动画和所有的 Windows媒体对象(AVI, MPG, MP3, 等.) 其分别的对话框允许您设置专有的选项如ShowDislpays, Volume, FrameRate等.

4. 非常容易地融入到CMS, IBuySpy, newsletters, forums等. r.a.d.editor 能够非常容易地融入到Asp.net应用程序中,如果您已经开发了一个CMS或者IBuySpy-based项目,您可以非常快地加入高级的r.a.d.editor文本编辑功能,非常详细的指南您可以在下载页面中的得到.

5. 工具条可以在页面上,也可以在对话框中 为了真正的所见即所得,r.a.d.editor不仅在页面上,在分离的对话框中显示工具条. 在您的编辑空间比较狭窄但您仍然希望使用完整的按钮时,您可以将 r.a.d.editor作为一个浮动的对话框使用以避免占有过多的编辑空间.

6. 可以设置对象的样式 (tables, images, links, etc.) r.a.d.editor 允许用户设置不仅是text还有像表格,超链接,图片等的样式

7. 真正的服务器控件 r.a.d.editor 不像ActiveX, Flash那样需要下载到客户端. For more information see the "System Requirements" section.

特征介绍 About Feature

Unmatched Loading Speed

Traditionally feature-rich WYSIWYG editors suffer long loading times due to heavy client scripts. RadEditor Promethes puts an end to the “functionality vs speed” trade-off. The unique “load as needed” processes in RadEditor will only load the code on client browsers for the features that are being used. This unrivaled optimization significantly improves end user experience through reduced page load times and better responsiveness.

Minimalist Script Size

Another factor for the industry-unique RadEditor is its highly compressed script size. The additional optimization of the script size results in swifter page rendering for a user experience with loading times that just pass unnoticed.

New Semantic Rendering

The innovative lightweight skinning mechanism steps upon CSS Sprites for rendering Editor tools. This results in tremendously optimized loading speed as well as simplified customization through simple CSS.

Out-of-the-box XHTML-enabled Output

RadEditor has always provided a number of tools for enforcing XHTML compliant content. Out-of-the-box, RadEditor “Prometheus” will output XHTML compliant content across all major browsers. The component also features an integrated XHTML validation module. It sends the HTML content for validation to the W3C service, and returns a compliancy report right within the editor interface.

Industry-best Cross-browser Support

Following a 5-year old tradition of industry best cross-browser support, RadEditor Prometheus continues to offer the same and even better level of quality and compatibility. The component supports all major browsers, including Opera and Safari for Mac, which makes it the rich text Editor with the widest cross-browser support on the market. In addition RadEditor produces identical content in MS Internet Explorer and Mozilla.

Single-file, Drag-and-drop Deployment

RadEditor Prometheus takes full advantage of .NET embedded resources, enabling you to deploy RadEditor with a single assembly file. To jump-start your development process RadEditor no longer requires copying the RadControls folder to the root folder of your web-application.

Multilevel Undo/Redo with Action Trails

RadEditor v5.0 takes the user experience even closer to desktop word processors, thanks to the multilevel Undo/Redo feature and especially the action trails. They allow you to see the past actions and undo/redo one or more of them at once, just like in Microsoft Word.

7 Ways for Pasting from Word

RadEditor v5.0 introduces a number of new features, which help the user paste formatted content from Microsoft Word and other applications, and apply different types of format stripping:

1. Strip Word-formatting on paste

2. Strip Word-formatting on paste (cleaning fonts and sizes)

3. Forced format stripping on Paste

4. Word Content in Clipboard Interception

5. Strip Word-formatting after paste

6. Paste plain text

7. Paste as HTML

AJAX-Based File Browser Dialogs

RadEditor offers great performance enhancements and is faster and lighter than ever before. The component now uses AJAX in all file browser dialogs in order to load files and folders on demand. This greatly improves the usability of the component and re-affirms the product’s robustness for enterprise applications with large file repositories.

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