
莎拉·布莱曼是英国跨界音乐女高音歌手和演员。她在迪斯科初试啼声,因为演绎安德鲁·洛伊·韦伯(Andrew Lloyd Webber)的音乐剧而闻名于世。最初她饰演《猫》(Cats)剧中的小猫杰米玛(Jemima)(需要女高音及舞蹈基础),引起了韦伯的注意。创作《歌剧魅影》(The Phantom of the Opera)时,女主角克莉丝汀的音乐就是根据她的音域而作。结果,莎拉布莱曼和饰演魅影的迈克尔·克劳福德皆一炮而红。后来莎拉也演唱许多韦伯的歌曲,并收录到专辑里。她还在1992年巴塞罗那奥运会上与何塞·卡雷拉斯演唱了《永远的朋友》( Friends for Life )一曲。并与中国歌手刘欢同唱2008年北京奥运会主题歌《我和你》(You and me)。
她的嗓音嘹亮,被誉为天籁之声,著名的曲目包括《告别的时刻》(Time to Say Goodbye)、The Phantom of the Opera(这是《歌剧魅影》的主题曲,莎拉先后跟迈克尔·克劳福德和Steve Harley合唱过不同版本)等。莎拉也演唱过许多原剧中应是男角唱的歌曲,包括歌剧《图兰朵》中的《今夜无人入睡》、音乐剧《歌剧魅影》的The Music of the Night(夜之曲)等。莎拉·布莱曼创造了女人所未曾创造过的成绩——她是第一位同时登上跨国流行、古典和跨界音乐最高地位的女性。
个人资料英文名Sarah Brightman

出生地:英格兰,赫特福德郡,伯肯斯特得 (Berkhamsted, Hertfordshire,England)
母亲:Paula Hernyhough Brightman (Paula Hall)(现住在西班牙)
父亲:Grenville Brightman (一氧化碳中毒自杀身亡)
Nichola (出生地为Hemel Hempstead,1963年)
Claudia (出生地为Hemel Hempstead,1965年)
Jay Grenville (出生地为Berkhamstead,1969年)
Joel Grenville (出生地为Dacorum,1974年)
Amelia (Violet) (出生地为Dacorum,1979年)
身高:1.66 米
眼睛的颜色:这个问题似乎很难讲,因为连Sarah自己都说不清楚哦,还是让我们看看Sarah是怎么说的吧——TALK QUOTE (March 13, 1998), "Sometimes they're grey/green, sometimes they're grey, and some people think they are blue. So, I can't tell you!" (“有时候,是绿色,有时候,是灰色,而且有些人认为是蓝色,所以我也说不清。”)
曾经就读过的学校:Elmhurst Ballet School, Arts Educational School, The Royal College of Music
首次登台表演:13岁时在John Schlesinger的作品“I and Albert”中扮演维多利亚女王(Queen Victoria)最大的女儿Vicky,伦敦皮卡迪利(Piccadilly Theatre)剧院
偶像:Jessie Matthews
最喜欢的歌手:David Bowie
生平购买的第一张专辑:David Bowie‘s "Space Oddity"
最喜欢的作家:Anita Brookner

婚姻状况:与Andrew Graham-Stewart,1978年结婚,1983年9月离婚
与Andrew Lloyd Webber,1984年3月22日结婚,1990年6月离婚
目前单身,男朋友是Louis Oberlander。
演唱歌曲的语言:英语(English),法语(French),德语(German),拉丁语(Latin),俄语(Russian) ,意大利语(Italian),西班牙语(Spanish),加泰罗尼亚语(西班牙)(Catalan) ,阿拉伯语(Arabic),印地语(Hindi) ,日语(Japanese),中文(Chinese)
Wishing You Were Somehow Here Again这是一首Sarah Brightman每次开演唱会都必唱的曲目,据说是为了纪念她的父亲。
后来,她参加了伦敦皇家芭蕾舞学院的面试但却被淘汰。1976年,在布莱曼16岁时,她加入了当时著名的BBC节目Pan's People作为舞蹈演员之一。一年后,她离开并加入另外一个组合Hot Gossip,18岁有了第一首全英畅销单曲“I Lose My Heart to a Starship Trooper”,销量超过了50万并在全英单曲榜中名列第六。后来,布莱曼作为Hot Gossip的主唱又出版了多张单曲,但都未能进入全英单曲榜。
这个夜晚改变了韦伯和布莱曼日后的事业和生活。他们到那一刻为止仍然保持的工作关系在那之后发生了变化。然而,虽然郎情妾意,两个人首先要解决的是各自的婚姻——韦伯已有妻室;而布莱曼的丈夫,则是她在Hot Gossip时结识的一位摇滚乐队经理人。一时间,他们的关系几乎成为英国报纸津津乐道的新闻,受到的关注仅次于查尔斯王子与戴安娜小姐的联姻。就在举国上下的沸沸扬扬之中,1984年,这一对有情人终于结为眷属,这也将布莱曼的演唱事业一步步带向巅峰。此后,布莱曼在多部韦伯的音乐剧中担任主演,包括《歌与舞》(Song and Dance)和安魂曲(Requiem),后者是韦伯专门为其声音创作的,布莱曼凭借此作品得到了她第一个格莱美奖提名。
离开《歌剧魅影》后,布莱曼参与了在英国、加拿大和美国的韦伯作品巡演,并在苏联上演了安魂曲。同时,她也出版了录音室专辑,包括韦伯的音乐剧《爱的观点》(Aspects of Love)的单曲“Anything but Lonely”和两张个人专辑:1988年的“The Tree They Grow So High”与1989年的音乐剧歌曲集“The Songs that Got Away”。
离开音乐剧舞台后,布莱曼在洛杉矶开始了其个人事业追求。1992年,她与卡雷拉斯(José Carreras)演唱了巴塞罗那奥运会主题曲《永远的朋友》(Amigos Para Siempre),这首歌曲也是由韦伯创作的。
听过了德国组合Enigma的专辑后,布莱曼希望与之合作。她的请求在1991年获得了肯定的答复。她来到德国并见到了制作人Frank Peterson。他们合作的第一张专辑是“Dive”,一张以“水”为主题的流行专辑,该张专辑除了在加拿大获得成功外,反响平平。
1995年的摇滚专辑“Fly”, 是他们合作的第二张专辑,当中的主打歌曲“A Question of Honour”提高了布莱曼在欧洲的知名度。“Time to Say Goodbye" 是为拳击明星马斯克(Maske)告别赛创作的曲目,由布莱曼与男高音Andrea Bocelli演唱 ,这首歌曲仅在德国的销量就突破了300万,成为了德国史上最畅销的单曲,同时,在许多国家也取得了成功。因此,1996年“Fly”再版时,加入了“Time to Say Goodbye”作为第一首曲目。
1997年出版的专辑“Timeless”(美国版为“Time to Say Goodbye”),收录了“Time to Say Goodbye”和其他古典风格的曲目,并翻唱了如“Who Wants to Live Forever”与“Tu Quieres Volver”等经典歌曲。由此张专辑,布莱曼在美国的知名度逐渐提升。
1997年,布莱曼在伦敦的皇家艾伯特音乐厅举办了个人音乐会“In Concert”,嘉宾包括安德鲁·洛伊·韦伯和安德烈·波切利。
后期的专辑,包括“Eden”和“La Luna”与“Time to Say Goodbye”的风格有明显差异,越来越多地融入了流行元素。其中,“Eden”在美国Billboard 200的榜单中最高排名65,“La Luna”最高排名17。此外,这两张专辑都登上了Billboard跨界榜单的榜首。
她2003年出版的专辑“Harem”拓宽新的音乐领域:舞曲风格的中东音乐。这张专辑在Billboard 200榜单中最高排名29,跨界榜单第一名。
在出版专辑的同时,布莱曼也展开了全球巡演。她的演唱会以惊艳的舞台效果令人赞叹。在2000和2001两年中,布莱曼一直跻身于美国最有影响的英国音乐人的行列。专辑“La Luna”在美国的巡回演出票房达到了1220万美元。
2006年,布莱曼出版了她出道以来第一张MV合集“Diva: The Video Collection”。同时,一张收录她畅销单曲的精选集“Diva: The Singles Collection”也一起面世,并再次登上了美国Billboard跨界榜单的榜首。
2007年7月,布莱曼参加了《纪念戴安娜王妃逝世十周年音乐会》的演出,全英国有超过1500万观众通过转播观看了这场演出。同月,她来到中国上海参加了Live Earth的演唱会。8月,布莱曼又在在日本大阪的世界田径锦标赛开幕式上演唱了“Running”。
2008年1月,布莱曼发行了她五年来的第一张专辑——略带哥特风格的“Symphony”,也创造了布莱曼发行专辑在Billboard 200榜单中的最高名次——第13位,其同名巡演也已在2008年十一月于墨西哥展开,此次巡演在北美地区的总票房超过了1000万美元,成为了2008年度北美地区最成功的巡演之一,此次巡演在2009年2月至4月转赴东亚地区,中国大陆的巡演城市包括北京、南京、上海和广州,香港与台北也是此次的巡演城市。同年,她还在由同名的摇滚音乐剧改编的电影“Repo! The Genetic Opera”出演了角色Blind Mag。2008年8月8日,布莱曼与中国歌手刘欢在北京奥运会开幕式上以英文和中文共同演唱了本届奥运会主题曲《我和你》(You and Me)。11月4日,布莱曼发行了她首张圣诞专辑“A Winter Symphony”。
2009年1月,布莱曼又被任命为2010年上海世博会EXPO在英国的宣传大使。7月,在日本富士电视台建台50周年的特别制作——电影“Amalfi: Megami No 50-Byou”中,布莱曼出演了她自己的同名角色。同时,日本也发行了一张布莱曼的精选集——“Amalfi - Sarah Brightman Love Songs”。
加拿大 Platinum x 8, Gold x 2
美国 Platinum x 5, Gold x 6
墨西哥 Platinum x 1, Gold x 6
巴西 Gold x 7
智利 Gold
委内瑞拉 Gold
阿根廷 Platinum
哥伦比亚 Gold
德国 Platinum x 6, Gold x 4
丹麦 Platinum x 3, Gold x 2
挪威 Platinum x 3, Gold x 1
瑞典 Platinum x 3, Gold x 2
芬兰 Gold x 2
英国 Gold x 2, Silver
爱尔兰 Platinum x 4, Gold x 2
葡萄牙 Platinum, Gold x 3
奥地利 Platinum x 2
瑞士 Platinum x 2

荷兰 Platinum, Gold
比利时 Gold
法国 Gold
爱沙尼亚 Gold x 2
捷克共和国 Gold
匈牙利 Gold
希腊 Gold x 2
土耳其 Gold
以色列 Platinum x2, Gold x 2
沙特阿拉伯 Gold x 2
日本 Platinum x 3, Gold x 7
中国大陆 Platinum x 2, Gold x 4
香港 Platinum x 2, Gold x 6
新加坡 Platinum x 6, Gold x 2
台湾 Platinum x 12, Gold
马来西亚 Platinum
韩国 Platinum x 4, Gold x 5
南非 Platinum, Gold x 3
澳大利亚 Platinum x 6, Gold x 4
新西兰 Platinum x 5, Gold x 2
所获奖项1986 Grammy Nomination, Best Classical Artist, USA
1996 Echo Award nomination: Best Female Artist, Germany
1996 RSH Gold: Best Female Artist, Germany
1997 Echo Award nomination: Best Female Artist
1998 Echo Award: Best Song (“Time To Say Goodbye”)
1998 Golden Lion Award: Best Live Performance, Germany
1998 Goldene Europa Award: Best Female Artist, Germany
1998 Guinness Book Entry: Germany’s Best-Selling Single of All Time (“Time to Say Goodbye”)
1998 Grammy Taiwan: Best Selling Record (Timeless)
1998 Unesco Hand-in-Hand Award
1999 Czechoslovakian Grammy: Singer of the Year
1999 Echo Award nomination: Best Female Artist, Germany
1999 The Point Trophy, Dublin-Ireland: Highest-Grossing Ticket Sales (One Night in Eden)
2000 IFPI Award, Europe: Album sales exceeding one million copies in Europe (Timeless)
2001 New Age Voice Music Award, USA: Best Vocal Album
2003 Media Control Award, GAS: Biggest Hit of All Time (“Time To Say Goodbye”),
2004 Arabian Music Award: Best Collaboration (“The War Is Over” with Kazim Al Saher)
2004 Arabian Music Award: Best Female Artist
2005 New York Film Festival: First Prize, Music Documentary (A Desert Fantasy)
2005 New York Film Festival: Third Prize, Music Video (“Time to Say Goodbye”)
Golden Key to the city of Chicago
Golden Key to the city of Istanbul
●十三岁便在伦敦的皮卡迪利(Picadilly)剧院,参加了戏剧“I and Albert”的演出。
●十六岁时曾经在电视节目《Pan's people》中担任舞群之一。
●十八岁是加入Aroene Phillops的舞团Hot Gossip,并以由她担任主唱的“I Lose My Heart to a Starship Troop”获得她生平第一张全英Top l0单曲。
●1988年1月,《歌剧魅影》首度于美国百老汇演出,莎拉的魅力继而征服了新大陆。她因此被Drama Desk大奖提名为最佳女演员,同年她为EMI古典录制了一张艺术歌曲专辑《天籁森林》演唱英国作曲家布瑞顿所改编整理的英国民谣,这张专辑为她进一步的古典声乐演唱赢得相当的好评。
●1989年录制专辑“The Song That Got Away”。
●1990年,录制专辑“As I Came 0f Age”。同年,她主演了这年十二月推出的洛伊韦伯的新作《爱的观点》,同时参加了一直持续到次年的“洛伊韦伯音乐作品”美国巡回演出。
●2000年4月,《月光女神》(La Luna)发行。同名的全球巡演展开。随着新专辑《月光女神》的发行,莎拉布莱曼(Sarah Brightman)的名字再次横扫世界乐坛,荣登Billboard古典跨界排行冠军和单曲榜TOP 20。

●2008年11月,发行首张圣诞专辑《冬之歌》(A Winter Symphony)。
专辑中合作艺人1.Andrea Bocelli
Time To Say Goodbye (Time To Say Goodbye/Timeless 1997)
Canto Della Terra (Symphony 2008)
2.José Cura
Just Show Me How To Love You (Time To Say Goodbye/Timeless 1997)
There For Me (Time To Say Goodbye/Timeless 1997)
3.Cliff Richard
All I Ask Of You (The Andrew Lloyd Webber Collection 1997)
Only You (Love Changes Everything 2005)
4.Michael Crawford
The Phantom Of The Opera (The Andrew Lloyd Webber Collection 1997)
5.José Carreras
Amigos Para Siempre(Friends For Life)
6.Fernando Lima
Pasiòn (Symphony 2008)
Ave Maria (A Winter Symphony 2008)
7.Alessandro Safina
Sarai Qui (Symphony 2008)
8.Paul Stanley
I Will Be With You (Symphony 2008)
9.Steve Harley
The Phantom Of The Opera (Love Changes Everything 2005)
10.John Barrowman
Too Much In Love To Care (Love Changes Everything 2005)
11.Steve Barton
Think Of Me (Love Changes Everything 2005)
12.Michael Ball
Seeing Is Believing (Love Changes Everything 2005)
13.Chris Thompson
How Can Heaven Love Me (Fly 1996)
I Will Be With You (Single CD 2007)
14.Tom Jones
Something In The Air (Fly 1996)
15.Sir John Gielgud
Gus : The Theatre Cat (The Andrew Lloyd Webber Collection 1997)
16.Paul Miles-kingston
Pie Jesu (The Andrew Lloyd Webber Collection 1997)
17.Richard Marx
The Last Words You Said (Eden 1998)
18.Kadim Al Sahir
The War Is Over (Harem 2003)
19.Mario Frangoulis
Carpe Diem (A Winter Symphony 2008)
Don't Give Up
Voyage Voyage
Join Me
Moment Of Peace
When a Child is Born
21.Anne Murray
Snowbird ( Anne Murray's " Duets: friends & legends")
猫(Cats) - (1981)
Nightingale - Original London Cast (1983)
Song and Dance - Sarah Brightman & Wayne Sleep (1984. 2007再版)
Andrew Lloyd Webber's Requiem - 多明戈,布莱曼,英国室内乐团,马泽尔 (1985)
歌剧魅影(The Phantom of the Opera - Original London Cast) (1987)
Carousel - Studio Cast (1987)
Repo! The Genetic Opera! (2008)
The World is Full of Married Men (Singing 'Madame Hyde')
Granpa (Singing Make Believe)
天籁森林 (The Trees They Grow So High,又称Early One Morning) (1988第一版,1998再版)

遗忘的歌声(The Songs That Got Away) (1989)
走过岁月(As I Came of Age) (1990)
韦伯之歌(Sings the Music of Andrew Lloyd Webber) (1992)
潜(Dive) (1993)
臣服(Surrender) (1995)
飞(Fly) (1995)
永志不渝(Time To Say Goodbye/Timeless) (1997)
重回失乐园(Eden) (1998)
月光女神(La Luna) (2000)
金选(Classics) (2001)
喝彩(Encore) (2002)
一千零一夜(Harem) (2003)
爱改变一切(Love Changes Everything: The Andrew Lloyd Webber CollectionⅡ) (2005)
真爱传奇/交响曲/交响乐/交响魅影(Symphony) (2008)
真爱永恒 冬之歌/冬日交响 (A Winter Symphony) (2008)
Amalfi—Sarah Brightman Love Songs (2009)
The Andrew Lloyd Webber Collection (1997)

FlyⅡ (限量发售) (2000)
The Very Best of 1990-2000 (2001)
The Harem Tour CD (限量发售) (2003)
The Harem World Tour: Live From Las Vegas (2004)
Classics: The Best of Sarah Brightman (只发行于欧洲) (2006)
Diva: The Singles Collection (全球发售,除欧洲外) (2006.10.3)
Symphony: Live In Vienna (2008) (限量发售)
I Lost My Heart to a Starship Trooper (1978)
The Adventures of a Love Crusader (1979)
Love in a UFO(1979)
My Boyfriend's Back (1981)
Not Having That! (1981)
Rhythm of the Rain (1983)
Unexpected Song (1984)
All I Ask of You (with 克里夫·理查德) (1986)
Doretta's Dream(电影《窗外有蓝天》(A Room with a View)主题曲) (1987)
Anything But Lonely (1990)
Something to Believe In (1990)
Amigos Para Siempre (1992)
Captain Nemo (1993)
The Second Elemen (1993)
A Question of Honour (1995)
How Can Heaven Love Me (与 Chris Thompson) (1995)
Heaven Is Here (1995)
告别的时刻 ( Time to Say Goodbye ) (与 安德烈·波伽利) (1996)
Just Show Me How to Love You (1997)
Who Wants to Live Forever (1997)
Tu Quieres Volver (1997)
There for Me (1998)
Eden (1998)
Deliver Me (1999)
So Many Things (1999)
The Last Words You Said (与 理查·马克斯) (1999)
斯卡布罗集市 ( Scarborough Fair ) (2000)
苍白的浅影 ( A Whiter Shade of Pale ) (2001)
Harem (2003)
美好的一天( It's a Beautiful Day ) (2003)
What You Never Know”(2003)
Free (2004)
Snow on the Sahara (2004)
Will Be with You (Where the Lost Ones Go) (与 Chris Thompson) (2007)
Pasión (与 Fernando Lima) (2007)
我和你(You and Me) (与刘欢) (2008)
The Secret(2007)
You and me (2008) 《我和你》 2008年北京奥运会主题曲
In Concert (1997)
A Gala Christmas in Vienna (1998)
One Night In Eden (1999)
La Luna: Live In Concert (2001)
Classics: The Best of Sarah Brightman (2002) (限量发售)
Harem: A Desert Fantasy... (2004)
The Harem World Tour: Live From Las Vegas (2004)
Diva: The Video Collection (2006)
Symphony: Live In Vienna (2008) (限量发售)
电影《Repo!The Genetic Opera!》导演:达伦·里恩·鲍斯曼

主演:Paul Sorvino、帕里斯·希尔顿、比尔·莫斯利
另外,Sarah在里面饰演的是Blind Mag,一位为GeneCo公司工作的歌剧演员。
Alexa Vega as Shilo Wallace: Shilo is a 17-year-old girl condemned to her room due to the blood disorder she inherited from her mother.
Paul Sorvino as Rottisimo "Rotti" Largo: Rotti is the ailing GeneCo president, looking for a worthy heir. He sees his own children as "vultures" and "ingrates", and is bitter towards Nathan for stealing Marni from him. He is the one who poisoned Marni, in rage.
Anthony Stewart Head as Nathan Wallace: Nathan is Shilo's father and a widower, having lost his wife Marni, a death which he blames himself for. He doubles as the head Repo Man.
Sarah Brightman as Magdalene "Blind Mag" Defoe: Mag, born blind, but given the ability to see by GeneCo at the price of having to sing for the GeneCo Genetic Opera. She is marked for repossession and is set to deliver her final performance for the company. She is Shilo's godmother and was best friends with Marni.
Paris Hilton as Carmela Largo/Amber Sweet: Amber is Rotti's surgery- and Zydrate-addicted daughter and Mag's rival. She obtains Zydrate illegally from Graverobber. In an interview[7] director Darren Lynn Bousman revealed that he had originally refused to audition Paris for the role of Amber Sweet. "I broke down," says Bousman, "and I met with her, and immediately she charmed everyone in the room." In the same interview, Bousman also revealed that Hilton had the script smuggled to her during her much publicized stint in a Los Angeles jail, and used her time inside to work on her role.
Bill Moseley as Luigi Largo: Luigi is Rotti's eldest son, angry and abusive. He wields a knife at all times and is usually wearing an ascot.
Ogre as Paviche "Pavi" Largo: Pavi is Rotti's youngest son, vain, dim-witted, and effeminate.[8][9] He wears a deceased woman's face as a mask to cover his own face, which is horrendously scarred. Due to the unique way his face is attached, he is able to change faces on a whim.
Terrance Zdunich as Graverobber: Graverobber is a Zydrate peddler with connections to Amber, sexually and as a dealer. He acts as the narrator of the post-apocalyptic world.[10]
Sarah Power (Nancy Long, singing[11]) as Marni Wallace: Marni is Shilo's dead mother and Nathan's late wife. Her best friend was Mag, and she was fatally poisoned by an enraged Rotti, who wanted her, but Nathan stole her from him.

1. "Depraved Heart Murder at Sanitarium Square"
2."Genetic Repo Man" - GraveRobber
3."Crucifixus" - Mag
4.Things You See in a Graveyard (Part One)" - Rotti
5.21st Century Cure" - Shilo and GraveRobber
6."Shilo Wakes" - Nathan and Shilo
7.Infected" - Shilo
8.Legal Assassin" - Nathan
9.A New World Organ"
10.Bravi!" - Mag, Rotti, Amber, Luigi, and Pavi
11.Lungs and Livers"
12.Mark It Up" - Amber, Luigi, and Pavi
13.Tao of Mag" - Mag
14.Things You See in a Graveyard (Part Two)" - Rotti
15.Limo Ride" - Rotti and Shilo
16.Thankless Job" - Nathan
17.Genterns" - Genterns and Pavi
18.Largo's Little Helpers" - Luigi
19.Luigi, Pavi, Amber Harass Mag" - Mag, Luigi, Pavi, Amber, and Rotti
20.Seeing You Stirs Memories" - Rotti
21.Inopportune Telephone Call" - Nathan and Shilo
22.GraveRobber and Shilo Escape" - GraveRobber and Shilo
23.Zydrate Support Network" - Rotti, Mag, and Spokesperson
24.Worthy Heirs"
25."Zydrate Anatomy" - GraveRobber, Shilo, and Amber
26.Who Ordered Pizza?" - Luigi, Pavi, Rotti, Amber, and Nathan

27."Night Surgeon" - Nathan, Rotti, Luigi, and Pavi
28."Chase the Morning" - Mag, Shilo, and Dead Marni
29."Everyone's a Composer" - Nathan, Shilo, Mag
30."Come Back!" - Nathan, Shilo, and Mag
31."What Chance Has a 17 Year Old Girl" - Nathan and Shilo
32."Seventeen" - Shilo
32."Happiness is Not a Warm Scalpel" - Rotti and Amber
33."Gold" - Rotti
34."Nathan Discovers Rotti's Plan"
35."Tonight We Are Betrayed" - Nathan
36."At the Opera Tonight" - Shilo, Mag, Nathan, Amber, GraveRobber, Rotti, Luigi, and Pavi
37."Bloodbath!" - GraveRobber
38."We Started This Op'ra Shit!" - Band Leader, Luigi, Pavi, Single Mother, and Rotti
40."Blame Not My Cheeks" - Amber
41."Chromaggia" - Mag
42."Mag's Fall"
43."Pièce De Résistance" - Rotti
44."Let the Monster Rise" - Nathan and Shilo
45."Sawman's Lament" - Nathan, Shilo, Rotti, Luigi, and Pavi
46."The Man Who Made You Sick" - Rotti
47."Cut the Ties" - Nathan, Shilo, Rotti, Luigi, and Pavi
48."Shilo Turns Against Rotti" - Nathan, Shilo, Rotti, Luigi, and Pavi
49."I Didn't Know I'd Love You So Much" - Nathan and Shilo
50."Genetic Emancipation" - Shilo
51."Epitaph" - GraveRobber
52."Repo Man" - Pavi (end credits)
53."VUK-R" - Violet UK (end credits)
54."Needle Through a Bug" - Shilo and GraveRobber (end credits)
55."Bravi!" - Mag, Rotti, Amber, Luigi, and Pavi (end credits)
56."Aching Hour" - Mag (end credits)
"At the Opera Tonight" - Shilo, Mag, Nathan, Amber, GraveRobber, Rotti, Luigi, and Pavi
"Crucifixus" - Mag
"Things You See in a Graveyard" - Rotti
"Infected" - Shilo
"Legal Assassin" - Nathan
"Bravi!" - Mag, Rotti, Amber, Luigi, and Pavi
"21st Century Cure" - GraveRobber
"Mark It Up" - Amber, Luigi, and Pavi
"Can't Get It Up If the Girl's Breathing?" - Amber and GraveRobber
"Zydrate Anatomy" - GraveRobber, Shilo, and Amber
"Thankless Job" - Nathan
"Chase the Morning" - Mag, Shilo, and Dead Marni
"Night Surgeon" - Nathan, Rotti, Luigi, and Pavi
"Seventeen" - Shilo
"Gold" - Rotti
"We Started This Op'ra Shit!" - Band Leader, Luigi, Pavi, Single Mother, and Rotti
"Needle Through a Bug" - Shilo and GraveRobber
"Chromaggia" - Mag
"Let the Monster Rise" - Nathan and Shilo
"I Didn't Know I'd Love You So Much" - Nathan and Shilo
"Genetic Emancipation" - Shilo
"Genetic Repo Man" - GraveRobber