Locked-in syndromeis a condition in which a patient is awareand awake, but cannot move or communicate due to complete paralysis ofnearly all voluntary muscles in the body. It is the result of a brain stem lesion in which the ventral part of the pons is damaged. The condition has been described as "the closest thing to being buried alive". In French, the common term is "maladie de l'emmuré vivant", literally translated aswalled-in alive disease; in German it is sometimes called "Eingeschlossensein".
Locked-in syndrome is also known ascerebromedullospinal disconnection,de-efferented state,pseudocoma, andventral pontine syndrome.
The term for this disorder was coined by Plum and Posner in 1966
CausesUnlike persistent vegetative state,in which the upper portions of the brain are damaged and the lowerportions are spared, locked-in syndrome is caused by damage to specificportions of the lower brain and brainstem with no damage to the upperbrain.
Possible causes of locked-in syndrome include:
Traumatic brain injuryDiseases of the circulatory systemMedication overdoseDamage to nerve cells, particularly destruction of the myelin sheath, caused by disease (e.g. central pontine myelinolysis secondary to rapid correction of hyponatremia).A stroke or brain hemorrhageAll rights reserved by Wikipedia.