黄耀,研究员,男,1956年1月生。1982年与1986年分别获南京气象学院理学学士和理学硕士学位。1986-93年在江苏省农科院农业现代化所工作,研究主题为作物生态系统模型,1993年晋升副研究员。1994年以研究科学家身份赴美国莱斯大学(Rice University)生态与进化生物学系进行合作研究,同年8月被录取为该系博士研究生,研究主题为稻田甲烷排放与环境因子关系的定量化研究、稻田甲烷排放模型及其应用,1997年5月获哲学博士学位。2000年入选中国科学院"百人计划",2003年计划执行完成,终期评估为优秀,并获得相应的后续经费支持。现为大气物理研究所创新基地研究员、博士研究生导师、大气边界层物理和大气化学国家重点实验室(LAPC)副主任。兼任南京农业大学教授、博士研究生导师。1991年获第四届涂长望青年气象科技二等奖,1993年获江苏省科技进步一等奖(排名第三)。自1983年起先后在国内外发表科研论文80余篇,出版专著2本。1998年在国际著名刊物Global Change Biology上发表有关稻田甲烷排放模型的论文,政府间气候变化专门委员会(IPCC)在其2000年国家温室气体排放清单编制指南中建议将该模型用于编制稻田甲烷排放清单,这也是IPCC文件首次写进稻田甲烷排放模型。目前主要从事大气环境、陆地生态系统碳氮循环与全球变化生物学研究,在研项目包括国家自然科学基金重点项目、“973”计划和中国科学院知识创新工程项目,是中国科学院知识创新工程重大项目"中国陆地和近海生态系统碳收支研究"(2001-2005)的首席科学家。
Rice University, USA, Ph. D., 1997.
Nanjing Institute of Meteorology, China, M.S., 1986
Nanjing Institute of Meteorology, China, B.S., 1982
Deputy Director of the National Laboratory of Atmospheric Boundary Layer Physics and Atmospheric Chemistry (LAPC), Institute of Atmospheric Physics, CAS, China. 2001-present.
Professor, Institute of Atmospheric Physics, CAS, China. 2000-present.
Professor, College of Resources & Environmental Sciences, Nanjing Agricultural University, China, 1998-present.
Research Scientist, Department of Ecology and Evolutionary Biology, Rice University, USA. 1994.
Associate Professor, Jiangsu Academy of Agricultural Sciences. China. 1993.
Since 1997 when Dr Huang obtained his Ph. D. degree from Rice University and was back to China, his group has been studying the generation of biogenic atmospheric trace gases and the biological processes in terrestrial soil-plant environments leading to their formation. These gases, principally methane, carbon dioxide and nitrous oxide, are important contributors to global climate change. Our work originally focused on the field in situ measurements of CH4 and N2O emissions to get better understanding of the processes. That work was funded by TECO/NASA (“Quantifying the atmospheric impacts of paddy rice agriculture in China.” Joint with Rice University, USA, 09/01/98-09/01/02). Our current interests are in modeling terrestrial carbon and nitrogen cycling, including plant net primary production, soil carbon and nitrogen dynamics, CH4 emission from rice paddies and N2O emission from agroecosystem. This work is currently funded by (1) Title: “Study on Carbon Budget in Terrestrial and Marginal Sea Ecosystems of China”. Sponsor: Chinese Academy of Sciences. Principal Investigators: Drs HUANG Yao and YU Guirui, 01/01/2001-12/31/2005. (2) Title: "Regional Assessment of Trace Gas Emissions from Agroecosystem: Quantities and Models". Sponsor: Chinese Academy of Sciences. Principal Investigator: Dr HUANG Yao. 07/01/2004-06/30/2007. (3) Title: “Carbon Cycling and Driven Mechanisms in Chinese Terrestrial Ecosystems”. Sponsor: Ministry of Science and Technology, China. Joint with the Institute of Geographical Sciences and Natural Resources Research, Chinese Academy of Sciences. 01/01/2003-12/31/2007. (4) Title: “Influence of swampland changed into cropland in Sanjiang plain on the soil carbon pool and carbon exchange between terrene and atmosphere”. Sponsor: National Natural Science Foundation of China. Principal Investigator: Dr HUANG Yao. 01/01/2005-12/31/2008.
2 外科主任医师广东医学院1977级学生。毕业后留校在广东医学院附属医院工作,后任外科主任医师、教授、硕士生导师。2000年8月调入深圳市福田人民医院,任大外科主任、外科教研室主任、肝胆甲乳外科主任、海扶肿瘤治疗中心主任,兼任深圳市医学会理事、深圳市抗肿瘤学会副理事长等职。深圳市第九届党代表。曾获深圳市“十佳医务工作者”,深圳市先进工作者、深圳市优秀共产党员等称号